WestCoastSosa | 58 points
Came across this on a Chinese streaming site, they're HULU WEB-DL's so the ordering is the same as HULU. I had to download each episode in 4 parts and combine them using Freemake software, didn't notice any issues. I'll try my best to find Seasons 1 & 2.
Use https://www.base64decode.org/ to get Link and Key. Delete extra text in both. (#RemoveMe!)
[-] HerschelSood | 3 points
Thanks man! Not necessary, but if you can, could you upload the rest of the seasons to Zippy too? If you find them, that is.
[-] drherpderp12 | 2 points
[-] LaurensLaugh | 2 points
THANK YOU! Cannot wait for the other seasons to get uploaded!
These are still available from this post (480p)
[-] LaurensLaugh | 1 points
But of course we want 1080p! ;) But thanks for the heads up!
[-] AReverieofEnvisage | 6 points | Mar 21 2018 02:58:11
Come with me, we'll go and see a place called Candied Island!