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ctc_upload | 35 points | Mar 20 2018 23:00:45

[E-BOOK] Half-Life 2: Raising the Bar (2004) [PDF] [132 MB] | Megalinks MegaDB [E-BOOK] Half-Life 2: Raising the Bar (2004) [PDF] [132 MB]


L: aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56LyMhejJJVXpJSlM=

K: IVNteWdnZ05DaGhrZXpOVDdrWnEzVjBfaTg5Y1I4X3VsMk9WZlU2ckh2T3c=

In case you are interested, here is the Uncorrected Proof in ZIP, PDF, etc. (from the Internet Archive):

L: aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56LyNGIVcyd1JBQ0Na

K: ITljUjZzc0hWRndTX0VGcm00clhJWHc=


[-] gazongagizmo | 13 points | Mar 21 2018 07:01:23

Do you have the one for Half-Life 3 as well?


[-] dkimmortal | 3 points | Mar 21 2018 16:53:14

I clicked on this reddit post just to see a post like this.

Half Life 3..still waiting.


[-] azazelreloaded | 2 points | Mar 21 2018 07:02:54



[-] kthanxie | 2 points | Mar 21 2018 10:30:02

haha xD


[-] Superblunt85 | 2 points | Mar 21 2018 11:34:00

Anyone got an epub version of it?


[-] FlatTextOnAScreen | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 07:10:01

Won't be very good even if you convert it. It's

a collection of images chronicling the development of Half-Life, Team Fortress, Day of Defeat, Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike: Source and Half-Life 2. Text includes notes on game design, development, cut concepts, information relating to voice actors and game development. Numerous interviews of the Valve staff members also fill the book.


If the pictures don't matter to you then you could convert it with Calibre.
