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spiritatbay | 251 points | Mar 18 2018 16:31:34

[EBOOKS]My Collection [ePub/1.11GB] | Megalinks MegaDB [EBOOKS]My Collection [ePub/1.11GB]


  Decode with base64

  400+ authors, 900+ books. Organized in folders by author. A bit of everything.


Pastebin list


[-] StubbsCastaway | 10 points | Mar 19 2018 00:35:13

This is terrible! Why are you guys making me read all these books? First the 8k collection, then the 364G collection, now this! Is this some sort of conspiracy to never let me go to sleep again?

PS you guys are awesomesauce I feel like I own every book ever written now!


[-] Scaramussa | 3 points | Mar 19 2018 15:07:44

Is there a 364gb collection?! O.O


[-] StubbsCastaway | 3 points | Mar 19 2018 15:33:13

Not really but there is this: https://www.reddit.com/r/megalinks/comments/82qx4l/ebooks_backup_of_my_fiction_server_49gb/

and it's a whopper!


[-] taita2004 | 7 points | Mar 18 2018 17:33:50

Awesome collection. Theres a few in there that Ive been looking for in ebook, so thanks for this.


[-] werewolf914 | 6 points | Mar 18 2018 18:22:28

Thanks man.


[-] Abernathynobush | 4 points | Mar 18 2018 20:18:01

Thanks for this, found a few I needed. In the pastebin it says you have Artemis by Andy Weir, but I couldn't find it in the actual collection, just thought I'd let you know.


[-] spiritatbay | 7 points | Mar 18 2018 20:53:00

Like /u/frabagoo said, it's because some got formatted weirdly (last name, first name) when Calibre exported them. I switched it to the main Andy Weir folder, so just refresh and it'll be there.


[-] Abernathynobush | 3 points | Mar 18 2018 20:54:30

Ah okay, thanks.


[-] frabagoo | 2 points | Mar 18 2018 20:30:46

Yes it is. It's in the folder Weir, Andy.



[-] Abernathynobush | 1 points | Mar 18 2018 20:39:37

This is what I see. Weird. Maybe it's a propagation issue?


[-] frabagoo | 4 points | Mar 18 2018 20:44:19

It's because there's two different Andy Weir folders. There's Andy Weir which is the one you're on which has The Martian in it, and then there's Weir, Andy towards the end (they're ordered alphabetically), and Artemis is in that one.


[-] Abernathynobush | 2 points | Mar 18 2018 20:54:49

That's the issue, thanks.


[-] zagbag | 2 points | Mar 18 2018 23:28:07

Saving for later


[-] o99o99 | 1 points | Mar 18 2018 22:01:33

Awesome stuff x


[-] Vespart | 1 points | Mar 18 2018 22:10:54

Awesome. Thanks for this collection, but just in case, can you find the three books of Red Rising from Pierce Brown?

I found one but that version was in an awful format, it was horrible to read.


[-] spiritatbay | 2 points | Mar 18 2018 22:27:19

No problem. Just added them to the collection. It's under the author's name.


[-] Vespart | 1 points | Mar 18 2018 23:58:42

Idk how you did it, but I love you. One last request, this guy is doing his next series of books, the first one already came out "Iron Gold". If you can find it too, it will be awesome, thank you so much!


[-] spiritatbay | 2 points | Mar 19 2018 01:02:23

Not home, so I can’t upload, but you shouldn’t have a problem downloading from this link: https://filescdn.com/tk5t28iykh55


[-] Vespart | 1 points | Mar 19 2018 16:12:06



[-] Schlunner | 1 points | Mar 18 2018 22:31:55

Thanks! Commenting to remind myself to check this out when I get back to my computer. Thanks for sharing


[-] niquetapute | 1 points | Mar 19 2018 00:20:23

Me too thanks


[-] MaccasAU | 1 points | Mar 19 2018 01:12:00

RemindMe! 4 weeks


[-] limitlessabhi | 1 points | Mar 19 2018 02:35:15

i want to download files folder wise but i when i click it download it start download all the epubs cover.jpg all mixed up.

i want to get them downloaded in separate folders.


[-] abotokia | 1 points | Mar 19 2018 20:09:31

import into your account

select the folders you want and choose "download as zip"

extract to your computer after it's done downloading


[-] fudge_u | 1 points | Mar 19 2018 03:20:40

Thank you! Just imported the entire collection to my drive.


[-] zenru | 1 points | Mar 19 2018 03:36:48


Honestly, I dont like books ordered by author. I am not that good at remembering their names.


[-] AniGamor | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 16:55:53

Thank goodness they are digital and you can use ctrl+f to search through them.


[-] BlueFrenchHornThief | 1 points | Mar 19 2018 08:27:01

And you read all those books?!


[-] spiritatbay | 1 points | Mar 19 2018 13:35:11

I'd say about half. The rest are just waiting to get read :)


[-] saadrocks | 1 points | Mar 19 2018 13:37:41

Probably he did :)
