Luigi_Gamer | 23 points
Any pass = the name of this subreddit
[-] almommar85 | 4 points
Thanks! I had no idea about this, but after taking a look on MyAnimelist and see that it is in the top ten (#6), it seems that totally worth it ;D
[-] sirkaracho | 3 points
I still have not seen it myself, but be prepared for good storytelling that might take a while to watch until you really realize how good it is. From what i heard it might take 20 episodes or so, but then you are hooked.
[-] almommar85 | 2 points
My body will be ready ;D
[-] DiogenesTheHound | 3 points
It's a really great Space Opera. A lot of people put it up there with Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica.
[-] sirkaracho | 2 points
I guess what i will find behind those links will have quality magnitudes better than the version i have right now, so many many many thanks.
[-] DiogenesTheHound | 2 points
Any chance of getting My Conquest Is The Sea of Stars in x265? It's the pilot movie of the series.
[-] H3nryKrinkle | 5 points | Mar 09 2018 21:02:22
It's the best.