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grell851 | 13 points | Mar 03 2018 11:57:18

[Movie] The Clock 1945 DVDrip x264 659 MB | Megalinks MegaDB [Movie] The Clock 1945 DVDrip x264 659 MB

decode with base 64


It’s wartime, and young people are rushing into hasty –sometimes unwise – marriages. But not pretty, level-headed Alice. Then she meets Joe, a G.I. on a two-day pass, and falls heart-over-level-head in love.

Judy Garland and Robert Walker are sweethearts for the ages in this glowing valentine of a movie directed by Vincente Minnelli (who, to add another layer of radiant romance, was about to marry his leading lady). And New York itself plays a role, transforming the whirlwind courtship into a love triangle. The city helps and hinders, holding the young lovers in a warm embrace one moment, then tossing up funny, frustrating roadblocks the next. The National Board of Review named The Clock one of the Top 10 movies of 1945


[-] SubZorro | 1 points | Mar 03 2018 12:01:04

Subtitles for this movie:

^This ^list ^of ^subtitles ^are ^taken ^from ^opensubtitles.org ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha
