thegreatestminer | 34 points
This is danke-Empire's Yen Press release.
Base64-encoded Snahp link:
Base64-encoded decryption key (remove !yotsu!ba! after decrypting):
I decoded the key and removed the thing but it doesn't work.
[-] thegreatestminer | 1 points
Still works for me, did you remove !yotsu!ba!
only from the decryption key? You might have selected another character accidentally.
[-] RandomOnlineSteve | 1 points
Does not work for me either.
[-] anastusfocht | 2 points
works fine reread instructions
[-] ReasonableStatement | 1 points
He's not the only one it's not working for so don't be a jerk.
I've tried several times as well and have been careful each time.
[-] thegreatestminer | 1 points
Check the post for a video on how to do it. It isn't that hard.
[-] ReasonableStatement | 1 points
It's because you didn't mention that the Snahp pass is the name of the sub. That's common, but nowhere in the post.
[-] thegreatestminer | 1 points
Okay, I'll go edit every post to say that.
I didn't think that people would get confused, but I guess that's my fault.
[-] anastusfocht | 1 points
I'd have been a jerk if I told you you were too stupid to understand basic instructions laid down step by painstaking step. But I didn't.
[-] Ispookyourfruit | 1 points
I'm having an issue. I decode and then select only what you said and entering it still doesn't work.
[-] thegreatestminer | 1 points
Check post for a 1 minute video on how to do it.
[-] scttrbrain | 3 points | Mar 01 2018 16:01:26
Healing: The Manga
Holy smokes, thanks for this.