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HomemadeCheesecake | 49 points | Feb 27 2018 05:03:46

Black Panther OST - Ludwig Göransson [FLAC | 429 MB] | Megalinks MegaDB Black Panther OST - Ludwig Göransson [FLAC | 429 MB]

L : | Megalinks MegaDB L :


K : | Megalinks MegaDB K :


Decode L and K separately at b64;

Remove stuff between [], including [];

Add L and K. <--- The 'L' part + the 'K' part

Cheers :)


[-] doomsnight | 1 points | Feb 28 2018 03:08:30

just saw the film this afternoon so good timing, thank you. Also glory to bast. Nice touch.
