heartless_drol | 29 points
Movie-4.7gb , Extras - 669mb
Note:remove bold charecters only, let italics+bold be as it is .. before decoding
Dude, where’s my hummer?
[-] isamudragon | 6 points
It broke up with him
[-] [deleted] | 7 points
Thanks, I've been waiting for Hummer Man for so long.
[-] PraiseDannyWoodhead | 7 points
Filesize for just the film is 4.72gb for anyone who may need to know.
[-] heartless_drol | 1 points
i forgot that information, added now to the post as well!
[-] ThatOneDudeHere | 3 points
This is the release I've been waiting for. A LOT. THANK YOU.
[-] ThatOneDudeHere | 2 points
PS: Yes, it has a commentary.
[-] GodzMustBeCrazy | 2 points
I'm having trouble decoding the link for some reason... Removed the bold letters and I'm getting this as a result
=uEU-Ha -%}5EQݜ
[-] heartless_drol | 6 points
read rules again, and see to it that, you arent supposed to remove bold+italics characters.
[-] heartless_drol | 1 points
i will simplify for you ( put in order) :
1) remove bold charecters only, let italics+bold be as it is .. before decoding
2)decode base64 using any decoder
3)after decoding, remove everything within the square brackets and square brackets as well.
4) replace trump with mega to get a working link..
[-] Jon_J_ | 9 points | Feb 23 2018 17:01:20
Anyone have any clue as to what the movie actually is that the OP is posting???
[-] [deleted] | 18 points | Feb 23 2018 17:02:32
Gonna guess the guy with the swingy construction tool.
[-] Jon_J_ | 4 points | Feb 23 2018 17:06:04
[-] heartless_drol | 14 points | Feb 23 2018 17:03:54
movie name has been encoded, follow rules and decode!
sorry for all the hassle, i am doing this to avoid takedown..
Hint: A$$-Gu@rd
[-] bpfn | 8 points | Feb 23 2018 17:34:19
lol, nice. Title of OP wasn't obvious to me at first, but your hint was fantastic
[-] rongkongcoma | 4 points | Feb 23 2018 22:15:54
I don't want to be ungrateful, thanks a shitton for uploading stuff, but I don't understand how that should help.
If a bot searches and takes down links in this sub, then a captcha and base64 encoding is enough.
If it's a real person, no extra effort will stop him. He will be able to follow your extra steps.
All this does is make it painful for anyone to get to the file.
[-] heartless_drol | 2 points | Feb 24 2018 06:17:49
a real person will search for t#uR, maybe something more.. but this wont show up! :P i know this is harder to find by normal users also.. but this link will stay up for 2-3 months atleast.. sorry for the pain!
[-] rongkongcoma | 2 points | Feb 24 2018 10:41:08
Yeah that will work, but a simpler method helps the same way. Everything beyond that point just makes it harder for the users. Bot doesn't care if step 2 is secure when step 1 already stopped him.
If something gets taken down then most likely because someone flagged it or someone used the decrypted link and shared that / put it on his site.
You're doing a good thing but it's a bit overkill.
[-] zibbers1 | 1 points | Feb 23 2018 20:44:16
The most famous superhero, Hummer Man, duh!