Luigi_Gamer | 46 points
Any pass = the name of this subreddit
Holy shit! You absolute legend, I was just getting into this series again after not having watched it since my teen years but it was pulled from Netflix. So I searched this sub but only found 480p copies. But then I see it posted again in glorious 1080p, it's funny how coincidence works. Thanks a lot.
God I loved this show and thought it would turn into something special, but by season 4 it lost its steam imo and stopped caring in season 5 due to the lack of progress. I think they only planned 2-3 seasons but because it was so popular near game of thrones but BBC kept it. I only say that because there are so few bbc shows that keep going for as long as Merlin did.
[-] Wolf_Redfield | 1 points
there are so few bbc shows that keep going for as long as Merlin did.
laughs in Silent Witness.
[-] Punkalyptic | 1 points
Thanks. What's the second audio track? Also, filenames indicate 5.1 audio, but media info says just stereo and I'm pretty sure the blu-rays were released with just a DTS stereo mix. A typo?
[-] tres_drole | 1 points
Each file is more than 1 GB. Any ideas?
[-] Cyromaniap | 6 points | Feb 22 2018 21:27:01
Swapping from my 480p copy! Thanks for the upload.