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thegreatestminer | 56 points | Feb 18 2018 00:07:54

[MOVIE] Spirited Away [1920x1038 Blu-Ray FLAC] [13.89GB] | Megalinks MegaDB [MOVIE] Spirited Away [1920x1038 Blu-Ray FLAC] [13.89GB]

Because everyone loves Coalgirls' bloated releases! The reason why it's 1038 is because the release group cropped out the cinematic bars.

If anyone can give the MediaInfo, that would be greatly appreciated. I don't actually download the files so I can't do the job myself.

Base64-encoded Snahp link (password is the subreddit's name):


DOUBLE Base64-encoded decryption key (Pass it through the decoder twice):


^^4th ^^release! ^^Luckily ^^I ^^started ^^the ^^upload ^^twice ^^just ^^in ^^case ^^one ^^failed. ^^(in ^^which ^^one ^^did.)


[-] Silvehr | 3 points | Feb 18 2018 02:08:36

Is this eng dub


[-] bendmunk95 | 5 points | Feb 18 2018 02:46:11

Coalgirls releases all languages dub and sub


[-] xXsTeffOovErkILLXx | 2 points | Feb 18 2018 08:18:32

Thank you very much!
