heartless_drol | 21 points
Note:remove bold charecters only, let italics+bold be as it is .. before decoding
[-] koine_lingua | 1 points
Note:remove bold charecters only, let italics+bold be as it is .. before decoding
Thanks -- I originally removed the italics+bold and couldn't figure out why it wasn't working, but then I read this.
[-] knottysleeves | 1 points
This is last week's episode, right?
[-] heartless_drol | 1 points
[-] Karannashua | 1 points
I think it was taken down
[-] heartless_drol | 1 points
no, its working!
[-] freddydaimler | 1 points
It's apparently down...
[-] heartless_drol | 1 points
no it isnt, it still works! decode properly! remove only XX from encoded link and then decode..
[-] SubZorro | 1 points | Feb 05 2018 01:09:11
Subtitles for this episode:
^This ^list ^of ^subtitles ^are ^taken ^from ^opensubtitles.org ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha