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MiniTick | 43 points | Feb 01 2018 17:50:22

[MUSIC] Weezer - Weezer (Blue Album) [Vinyl] [FLAC] [24 bit - 96 kHz] [767.2 MB] | Megalinks MegaDB [MUSIC] Weezer - Weezer (Blue Album) [Vinyl] [FLAC] [24 bit - 96 kHz] [767.2 MB]

Personal vinyl rip. Little on the quiet side, but didn't want to futz with the recording as I'm still a neophyte at that.

Base 64 encoded link:



[-] giveMeSteamKeysPls | 1 points | Feb 02 2018 04:36:17

my guilty pleasure <3 ty


[-] CJNC | 1 points | Feb 02 2018 07:20:06

the blue album is considered their best album
