frabagoo | 59 points
A prestigious Stockholm museum's chief art curator finds himself in times of both professional and personal crisis as he attempts to set up a controversial new exhibit.
Decode both the link
The password for the link is the name of this subreddit
[-] JPHammHamm | 2 points
HUZZAH and thanks! :D
[-] mike-vacant | 1 points
Did the decryption key work for you? All I'm getting is this:
Is there supposed to be something else I have to do with the key
Hi, I'm a bot that links Gyazo images directly to save bandwidth.
Direct link:
Imgur mirror:
^^Sourcev2 ^^| ^^Why? ^^| ^^Creator ^^| ^^leavemealone
[-] mike-vacant | 1 points
Am I doing something wrong here? I decoded on base64, got the link, then put in the decryp key and it says it's invalid.
I just checked and it is working fine. Based on the screenshot you posted on another comment you haven't decoded the key on B64. The decoded key should always start with an exclamation mark (i.e. it'll be something like !randomnumbersandletters
- So, make sure to decode both the link
[-] mike-vacant | 2 points
Oh yea it was that I wasn't decoding the key, I am really dumb for that one lol thanks!
Haha no worries.
[-] Ov3rpowered | 1 points
I am decoding both the key and the link and the decoded key doesn't seem to work (and yes it starts with !). What gives?
I just checked again, and it is working fine. There's something you must have done wrong.
Decode link and key.
Open link (a link) and enter the password (the name of this subreddit).
Once you've entered the password on it will give you the actual mega link. So you'll just have to enter the decoded key (that starts with !)
[-] hereforsimulacra | 1 points
Says i have reached download limit?
[-] chagmed | 3 points | Jan 30 2018 20:27:19
one of the best black comedies I've seen in a long time