by_frozenriver | 8 points
This contains a recording in 30 minute increments, which starts at about 2am and goes through until about 10pm. The actual Hottest 100 countdown starts at the 12-midday mark and runs until about 8pm.
Link (use a base64 decoder):
Format: AAC (1:1 mirror of the webstream)
Enjoy my dudes!
[-] you_freak_bitch | 2 points
Heyyyyyyyy just wanted to say a huge thank you again, your links worked a treat. Although dem Europeans didn't really seem to get the countdown and wanted to take over multiple times. Needless to say our Straya party was a hoot and hope you had a good one too!!
[-] by_frozenriver | 1 points
No problem mang. It feels good to hear that my work brought joy to others :)
I definitely don't think the countdown is for everyone and think its primary use should be for discovering new music, since a bands listing on there usually correlates with their chances of putting out more tunes.
Enjoy your stay in Europe!
[-] bernys | 3 points | Jan 27 2018 12:53:07
I've got a much higher resolution copy from satellite, if you want it, send me a dm and post here once you've got it.