iPhunwa2 | 29 points
If you're having trouble downloading from MEGA, or can't bypass the bandwidth limit, use ZippyShare with JDownloader (ZS Mirror). If you're unsure on how to download using JDownloader, read the post I made here.
[-] RadicalDog | 4 points
We found the film really pointless and were desperate for it to end. After the downsize, there’s never any interactionn with the big world - may as well have moved to Mars for all the difference it made! 3/10, mostly for the cool initial concept.
[-] Sun_Djinn_Kari | 5 points | Jan 26 2018 17:19:00
Saw this in theature, it was good. I would say they emphesise their message more than the "comedy" they were labeled under when I went to go. It gave me a few chuckles, but wouldnt say this is a good comedy. There are a lot of moments where it was very thought provoking, and then moments where it just fell flat. 6/10.
[-] Farmer771122 | 1 points | Jan 26 2018 21:03:36
Thanks, I was about to ask!
[-] solarplex | 1 points | Jan 29 2018 23:38:42
I just saw this movie as well. It's an alright movie but overall felt too long and definitely wouldn't consider it a comedy either.