countygeneral | 6 points
(2018 Deutsche Welle DocFilms)
Amela is a Muslim. She went to school in Travnik and grew up with this segregation. Contacts between the different ethnic groups are not encouraged, even during school break times. Bosnia’s constitutional court declared the "two schools under one roof policy" unconstitutional in 2012. But this policy is still practiced in everyday life, even though nobody calls it that anymore. It’s not just in schools that the distance between the ethnic groups is visible. The parents also foster ethnic segregation from their neighbors. It’s always been this way - Amela will of course marry a Muslim. The country is home to Bosnian Muslims, Bosnian Croats and Bosnian Serbs. They say they live together but on closer inspection they just live side by side. Very few would accept a spouse from a different ethnic group.
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previously on DW DocFilms: The Tattooed Lady | After the Escape: Finding Home in a Foreign Land | The Fruitless Tree | Street Food | The Edge of Obedience