Bardulfkyle | 54 points
How was this series? I'm definitely pulling down this copy. Just interested in what people thought of it.
[-] mininestime | 4 points
Pretty bad. Here are some pros and cons
Overall Rating
Somewhat Similar Shows To Watch Instead
Dislikes runaways and suggests the flash? No thanks
[-] kaching335 | 3 points
The Flash is great though
[-] mininestime | 1 points
The Flash is not super great in terms of quality, but the cast;s dynamic is really good. It might be a guilty pleasure of mine, we all have one show that we shouldn't like but do. Id give it a try for a few episodes. Just skip the Arrow Cross over episodes, and anyone where Barry's GF is the main focus and the show is great.
After 2 seasons i watched i stopped watchin it cuz I just couldnt stop hating the show because of Iris' character. No regrets
[-] mininestime | 2 points
Yea thats his GF in the show, she is annoying and episodes where she is the focus suck, but the dynamic between the rest of the cast is really good, and In my opinion they make up for it.
I have Dirk on on my watch list.
I haven’t heard if Shuteye, but will definitely look into it
I’ve been enjoying the Flash and will binge it after the season finished airing
I keep seeing he magicians posted, but never looked into it. I certainly will now.
I thoroughly enjoy the Expanse books and the first season was pretty good. I have the second season ready to go when there’s time.
[-] mininestime | 2 points
Out of all those "The Magicians" would be the most highly rated show IMO. The name is what makes it sound stupid, but its really good if you can make it past the first 2ish episodes you will be hooked.
thanks for an indepth post, will probably skip it just like the lame netflix defenders etc. i will say that future man was hilarious if you can get past that its back to the future written by a 12 yr old boy who just discovered his 8==D, ie seth rogan lol
[-] mininestime | 1 points
Future man was good, however I stopped watching after 4 episodes in. The joke that things are different in the past got boring. It started pretty strong and was funny, but it seemed to rely to heavily on that joke.
Defenders > Luke Cage > Punisher > Iron Fist is my opinion on this. All are pretty meh in quality compared to Jessica Jones and Daredevil. Luke Cage started strong then the threw in a villain that wears super sweats and apparently a facemask covering his eyes makes it so Luke Cage cant punch his face. Iron Fist was just a incoherent mess. Defenders was decent, if you forget the weird music that ruins the shows pacing.
I think the problem is Disney has the rights to too many of the villains in the Marvel Universe and wont let netflix gain access to them, so we are given heroes with no good villains to fight. The best two shows has great villains. Kingpin and Killgrave. The other ones had no one interesting and it hurt the show.
Why not try it and make up your own mind about it ? Just wondering where this trend of people making a judgement on things they haven't seen based on comments by others.
well my isp bandwidth is very low and theres millions of hours of millions of different types of things to watch so when i sit down during my tiny few hrs a week to watch something, i want to try to make sure its worth my time so things that i might not possibly like get pushed back, i still have alot of things on my list i need to watch yet lol.
[-] AmazingAnagram | 1 points
You don't happen to have Shuteye? I cant find it anywhere and the trailer looks awesome!
[-] mininestime | 1 points
Its on hulu of course, but you can always just use like icouchtuner
[-] AmazingAnagram | 1 points
Lol if i could watch on Hulu i wouldnt be here, ty for couchtuner tho will check it out
[-] ThatOneDudeHere | 3 points | Jan 13 2018 16:30:35
Thanks! Maybe one day Hulu will move on to 5.1 soundtracks =/ Hopefully they at least produced it in 5.1 even if they didn't stream it that way.
[-] goopdoop | 3 points | Jan 13 2018 19:36:44
there's 5.1 audio on the AMZN-AJP69 rips. also the first four episodes were broadcast on canadian tv so those have surround sound as well. E01&02 by AVS and E03&04 by Killers.