indigo6alpha | 328 points
Browsers already have a base64 encoder/decoder built-in. Use these bookmarks to invoke those built-in JS functions instead of using third-party websites:
javascript:function c(){}c.prototype.get=function(){var a="";window.getSelection?a=window.getSelection().toString():document.selection&&"Control"!=document.selection.type&&(a=document.selection.createRange().text);return a};c.prototype.set=function(a){if(window.getSelection){var b=window.getSelection();b.rangeCount&&(b=b.getRangeAt(0),b.deleteContents(),b.insertNode(document.createTextNode(a)))}else document.selection&&document.selection.createRange&&(b=document.selection.createRange(),b.text=a)};try{var d=new c,e=atob(d.get());d.set(e)}catch(a){alert(a.message)};
javascript:try{var a=prompt("Enter base64 encoded string: ");null!==a&&console.log(prompt("Base64 decoded string:",atob(a)))}catch(b){alert(b.message)};
JS code snippets I've posted are minified. I've added the source links for reference.
[-] TwiztidJuggla420 | 14 points
There is also a new Firefox add-on that does this as well. I just downloaded it and tried it out. It is much faster and easier than using It's going to save me a lot of time. :)
[-] gazongagizmo | 9 points
a new Firefox add-on
name? ^rank? ^^serial ^^number?
[-] TwiztidJuggla420 | 7 points
base64 decoder 1.0 By thedingo (Dev)
[-] thegreatshazham | 2 points
Brilliant thanks for this will save me leaving a tab with base64 on it
[-] TwiztidJuggla420 | 3 points
Yeah, I just installed it myself. I wish I had it long ago. It would have saved me a lot of time constantly switching between tabs, lol.
[-] [deleted] | 12 points
Wow, didn't realise you could execute JS via bookmarks!
[-] duckwizzle | 11 points
[-] FortheredditLOLz | 3 points
Could also use terminal for this.
echo U2FtcGxlIEJhc2U2NCB0ZXh0 | base64 -D
[-] Futcharist | 2 points
This is great, thank you
[-] DIDNT_READ_YOUR_SHIT | 2 points
Success! Thanks fam
Stickystacky this on the sidebar or something
[-] Tushar2998 | 1 points
This is Awesome .. thanks a lot !
[-] redbreadredemption | 1 points
ELI5 pls
[-] [deleted] | 1 points
[-] cyberdoggy | 1 points
Thanks, this makes life a step easier!
[-] TheAmnesiacKid | 1 points
Amazing. Thank you!
This bookmark thing looks great, much better than the website I created to turn links into shareable encoded links.
Thanks for the share.
[-] ShmebulockJunior | 1 points
Also this.
[-] Get_Jhinxed | 1 points
Works great!
[-] TarBenderr | 1 points
Curious to know why. I've been using, should I not be?
So I've posted about this before, I've spent countless hours creating a base64 decoder and Encoder.. I'm not a programmer but I learned how do these stuff. I've been using this site for a while and It makes my life easier and you'll make mine easier with all these stuff you all post.
Anyway please consider checking it out. Let me know what you like or hate. and issues you have.
EDIT: The old version had a few mistakes. FIXED Version
I would advise against running any arbitrary executable. Given that there are quick javascript solutions to this, one should not have to run an exe. caveat emptor. this is what it looks like.. personally I really does simplify things for me. because I can open the link directly.
[-] dnlg | 20 points | Jan 10 2018 09:24:32
There's also chrome extension for this.
[-] [deleted] | 34 points | Jan 10 2018 17:13:53
[-] laldans | 7 points | Jan 11 2018 04:23:10
I'm pretty sure copying someone else's code is coding as much as buying a painting is painting.
[-] Sunny_Cakes | 3 points | Jan 10 2018 22:16:31
The bookmarklet is your extension tbh.
[-] kozinc | 2 points | Jan 10 2018 12:39:46
Cool! Could you give me a link please?
[-] Mike072292 | 18 points | Jan 10 2018 12:43:54
[-] kozinc | 1 points | Jan 10 2018 13:59:23
[-] greatflicks | 1 points | Jan 11 2018 02:33:13
nice, thanks