Sorrow446 | 30 points
I couldn't find these anywhere at all, so I decided to rip 'em myself. Have split them and removed silences from starts + ends for your convenience. Not recorded - source files from service. Same audio specifications kept after splitting.
MP3: ~425MB | CBR 64 MP3 | 44.1kHz | TAGGED | WEB
MEGA: aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56LyMhWXZobVhaYmEhakF1Q0JyaC1Ib3hORFB4Y1JFVks0UW8weWlPOE44eTBFcjlycUNjb1liZw==
[-] letsnotreadintoit | 1 points
Is this just 5 and 4 on the way or is this both?
This is just 5. 4 is easy to acquire via torrenting. Will also upload 4 later.
[-] BrandSluts | 1 points
hello if you have the time could you please upload 4? thank you!
[-] TonySharkks | 1 points | Jan 10 2018 05:14:35