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unpaq | 199 points | Jan 09 2018 02:09:18

[TV PACK] Seinfeld (NBC 1989-1998) [WEB x265 1080p AAC 2CH 97GB] | Megalinks MegaDB [TV PACK] Seinfeld (NBC 1989-1998) [WEB x265 1080p AAC 2CH 97GB]

The continuing misadventures of neurotic New York stand-up comedian Jerry Seinfeld and his equally neurotic New York friends.











[-] Zodep | 15 points | Jan 09 2018 02:14:58

So is this the widescreen version?

The whole 16:9 vs 4:3 is really interesting. I don't think I've seen any of the widescreen versions.

Thank you!


[-] quarterburn | 14 points | Jan 09 2018 04:16:01

I did a comparison between my dvd rips and the x264 1080p versions to make sure they weren’t chopping off material to fit 16:9. Though it is just my word, I dumped all my rips because the x264 versions show way more. Much like X-Files, they filmed in 16:9 and cropped for 4:3.


[-] godsworker | 20 points | Jan 09 2018 07:15:41

I too did a comparison between the first episode in the linked 1080p and an old 4:3 704x528 x264 that I stretched out to match, and the 16:9 1080p is clearly cropped, mostly from the bottom of the screen. Proof.


[-] Zodep | 8 points | Jan 09 2018 23:09:42

u/unpaq (poster) shared this youtube video showing the process they did for making the widescreen versions we see on the web. If the video is right, then they definitely lost some top and bottom real footage to give us more left and right footage.

I think the whole process is really interesting, so I'll definitely pull down a few episodes and compare them with the stuff I have in my library.


[-] imguralbumbot | 3 points | Jan 09 2018 07:15:50

^(Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image)

https://i.imgur.com/QkQKNJB.jpg | Megalinks MegaDB https://i.imgur.com/QkQKNJB.jpg

^^Source ^^| ^^Why? ^^| ^^Creator ^^| ^^ignoreme ^^| ^^deletthis


[-] viper8828 | 3 points | Jan 09 2018 13:40:00

welll if that aint freaking stupid, ugh hate these ppl that make money and make decisions like this. this is definitely not better at all.


[-] Zodep | 2 points | Jan 09 2018 04:22:22

Oh cool! They did that with Friends too. I'm sure they did that with a decent number of shows from the 90's.


[-] ClarkZuckerberg | 2 points | Jan 09 2018 12:44:03

The full size 1080p rips from Amazon are so fantastic and it’s my favorite show so I need it in the highest quality possible, which is those rips which total almost 500GB lol.


[-] [deleted] | 6 points | Jan 09 2018 18:00:45



[-] beefymeatloaf420 | 1 points | Jan 15 2018 03:04:07

It was filmed widescreen. Cropped to full screen to comply with normal TV standards. They used the original film to re-edit the show in 16:9 by removing some image data from the top and bottom of the frame and adding what was filmed on the left and right instead. A lot of shows use this process but there are a few that do just crop only.


[-] Ironicalogical | 1 points | Jan 09 2018 04:02:29

Every episode on TV (other than the original broadcast) is widescreen. So you have to have seen widescreen versions.


[-] Zodep | 14 points | Jan 09 2018 04:14:35

I don't watch broadcast TV (aside from football games on r/nflstreams). Kind of like living in a weird little bubble. My mother-in-law talks about commercials she likes and I have no idea what she's talking about.

It's all Plex and Netflix.

Cable Internet = $65 a month (bought my own modem to avoid the $7 a month fees, and their modems suck), anything else bumps me up to $90-$100 a month with fees (+$10 HD, $10 Cable Box, $10-$15 for basic cable). I just have the Internet, not up for paying the fees to have more than that.

Edit: Sorry if this comes off as douchey... I just don't watch a lot of live tv.


[-] RichJuicer | 5 points | Jan 09 2018 12:12:31

Fucking proud of ya, liverlips!


[-] easy90rider | 2 points | Jan 15 2018 15:18:03

My mother-in-law talks about commercials she likes and I have no idea what she's talking about.

I got used to not having ads so much that soon I might have anxiety attacks from the ads I see @ friends place...


[-] Zodep | 1 points | Jan 15 2018 15:27:49

To be fair, shows have ads for their shows that overlap. The ad that used to take up a small corner of the screen now takes up about half the screen. And half hour shows are now only 18-19 minutes long. I almost forgot about the product placement. Ads are part of our everyday lives. It’s scary.


[-] easy90rider | 2 points | Jan 15 2018 15:37:04

I meant the ones that are in those 6-9 minutes of a 30 minute show...


[-] Muh_Condishuns | -10 points | Jan 09 2018 02:56:25

It's really cool. I actually own legit copies of both the blurays and DVDs for this reason and don't need these, I'm just a big fan. Most here probably know, but Seinfeld was remastered from 35mm film, which has a higher resolution than even 4k. So they played around with the framing and blocking in almost every scene during the 2004 HD upgrade. In a lot of scenes you can see more of the open space beside the characters, rather than down to their knees in 4:3 which I actually prefer. But sometimes I want it to look "as it should" which is what the DVDs are for.


[-] TwiztidJuggla420 | 27 points | Jan 09 2018 03:28:55

" I actually own legit copies of both the blurays..."

Sorry, but I am going to have to call bullshit and call you a liar. Are you from the future? Seinfeld has never been released on Blu-Ray and there isn't even any known release date or any confirmation if it will indeed ever even be released on Blu-Ray.



[-] [deleted] | 4 points | Jan 09 2018 18:03:41



[-] TwiztidJuggla420 | 1 points | Jan 09 2018 18:09:13

There are 16:9 versions of the show, it is the ones that they air on TBS, but it was just made for rebroadcasting I guess, because there aren't any Blu-Rays.


[-] Zodep | 3 points | Jan 09 2018 03:27:14

I'm tempted to watch it. Before watching the video that explained what they did, I had assumed they just cropped down the old stuff to fit it on screen. I'd like to see the quality jump.

Where did you find a legit copy of the blurays? I can't find a release date.


[-] TwiztidJuggla420 | 5 points | Jan 09 2018 03:34:34

The only logical explanation I can think of is that he must be from the future.


[-] MrTattyBojangles | 3 points | Jan 09 2018 04:05:00

Alternate reality?


[-] TwiztidJuggla420 | 3 points | Jan 09 2018 04:10:09

Good point. He doesn't necessarily have to be from the future. He could just as likely be from a parallel universe.


[-] ImAlex1 | 12 points | Jan 09 2018 05:50:19

be careful watching this show, its been hard to watch anything else since then because of how good it was (finished it last summer for the first time)


[-] EU_No_Pasaran | 16 points | Jan 09 2018 06:25:36

I also like Seinfeld, but....Curb your Enthusiasm? Breaking Bad? Sopranos? The Wire?


[-] ImAlex1 | 3 points | Jan 09 2018 06:28:39

In terms of comedy I would say this is.one of my favorites. Curb has been on the list for some time but I think I will start it soon!

As far as the others they are very great and I watched those before Seinfeld :)


[-] Mortos3 | 7 points | Jan 09 2018 09:01:52

Only other comedy shows this good (to me at least) are Always Sunny and Arrested Development. Silicon Valley and Brooklyn Nine-Nine get honorable mentions too


[-] zhico | 5 points | Jan 09 2018 09:57:42

Not Frasier?


[-] Mortos3 | 2 points | Jan 09 2018 21:47:42

I enjoyed that one as well


[-] RichJuicer | 1 points | Jan 09 2018 12:14:12

Yes! Arrested Development for sure equals Seinfeld


[-] ClarkZuckerberg | 1 points | Jan 09 2018 12:45:16

Absolutely Always Sunny and Arrested Development. Silicon Valley is quite good too and BNN is meh.


[-] ImAlex1 | 1 points | Jan 09 2018 16:38:46

yup both of those are actually my fav as well (Sillicon Valley and B99)


[-] RichJuicer | 3 points | Jan 09 2018 12:13:27

You have never seen an episode of Curb? OK I'll sort your above comment under "doesn't know what he's talking about".


[-] ImAlex1 | 1 points | Jan 09 2018 16:39:22

hahah i have, i have the first 3 seasons on dvd and the reset of it downloaded, i just havent gotten around to watching it in its entirety


[-] ClarkZuckerberg | 3 points | Jan 09 2018 12:45:42

Your fav show is Seinfeld and you’ve never Watched Curb? What the hell??


[-] KitchenNazi | 3 points | Jan 09 2018 14:36:03

They are completely different shows though. I love Seinfeld but can’t stand Curb.


[-] ImAlex1 | 1 points | Jan 09 2018 16:40:03

I have! Just not in its entirety, its deff next up after i finish Brooklyn Nine Nine


[-] CoreyVidal | 6 points | Jan 09 2018 06:18:50

This is great. 1080p H.265 should hopefully be the best video quality of Seinfeld out there. Shame it's only 2 channel audio though.


[-] Zimbor | 5 points | Jan 10 2018 06:44:26

Someone needs to merge the audio from the DVD rips with these downloads. Then I won't care that the Blu Ray was never released lol.


[-] ClarkZuckerberg | 3 points | Jan 09 2018 12:46:37

No this is definitely not anywhere near the best seinfeld quality out there.


[-] CoreyVidal | 1 points | Jan 09 2018 12:51:15

Oh! What do you recommend?


[-] ClarkZuckerberg | 7 points | Jan 09 2018 13:02:14

Well it’s torrents not megalinks. This media info says it’s like 3.3MB/s whereas the AMZN rips on RARBG have a bitrate of 14.4MB/s which is obviously a large difference.


[-] 4vf3g | 3 points | Jan 09 2018 13:27:33

While the AMZN web-dl are the best possible quality available for the 1080p of Seinfeld (obviously), you can't directly compare H.265 and H.264 bitrates.

Post a screenshot comparison for starters.


[-] Agret | 1 points | Jan 09 2018 13:51:40

But the website versions are all encoded in x264 from an HD source. There is no uncompressed source publicly available which means that any x265 release you see is just transcoded from an original encode by the website providers and as a result the x265 will be lower quality.


[-] 4vf3g | 4 points | Jan 09 2018 13:58:27

I wasn't implying that the x265 encode is better quality. I merely stated that one cannot directly compare bitrates, which is what the poster I replied to was attempting.

ie The x265 encode is not 4-5 times "worse" because the bitrate is 4-5 lower.

Also, the AMZN webdls don't use x264, but they do use the AVC (H.264) codec.


[-] beefymeatloaf420 | 2 points | Jan 15 2018 03:16:47

I'm pretty sure Amazon uses x264 to encode their videos into AVC. At least they used to.


[-] shampeh | 0 points | Jan 09 2018 11:40:36

No x265 is not haha


[-] [deleted] | 4 points | Jan 09 2018 13:38:38

Aight should I get the 4:3 or the cropped one or is there a better version I’m confused.


[-] coffee_wrangler | 2 points | Jan 09 2018 17:32:08

Thanks for the huge upload! Now I’m comparing my 720P x264 versions against this one. This seems to have more of the original film grain intact.


[-] Kradkrad | 1 points | Jan 09 2018 18:26:51

interested to hear your take... In the same boat.. are these better? my 720p set comes in at 29Gb.. This appears to be closer to 100gb


[-] coffee_wrangler | 1 points | Jan 09 2018 18:50:17

I will do a comparison later when I get home, I just took a quick glance - just noticed a ton more grain - it’s possible my 720p versions had a denoise applied. It’s annoying there is no legit Blu-ray out there.

It’s so tempting - 1080P - x265 - bigger file - it must be better. I keep replacing x264s with similarly sized x265s - when does it end?


[-] doot_doot_doot_doo | 1 points | Jan 10 2018 00:48:05

are you talking about the 720p hulu rips?

I'm trying to sort out if I should grab the 720 hulu or 1080 amz ribs. Are they all cropped?


[-] rhunter99 | 2 points | Jan 10 2018 04:16:10

i'm confused. is the best release of the series? if not can someone point me in the direction of where to download it?


[-] Zimbor | 2 points | Jan 10 2018 06:35:06

These are H.265 rips of the AMZN H.264 rips which are 1080p, and the highest definition available. The quality should be pretty much indistinguishable and a much smaller download compared to the 264.

They are cropped though, some hardcore Seinfeld fans prefer the original 4:3 so it's up to you to decide what's best.


[-] rhunter99 | 1 points | Jan 10 2018 14:53:56

Thanks for clearing that up. Do you know where I can find the best 4:3 version?


[-] winkdtm | 6 points | Jan 10 2018 17:08:55



[-] rhunter99 | 1 points | Jan 11 2018 04:58:25

thank you


[-] Vex99 | 2 points | Jan 10 2018 11:14:49

Thanks! they're great!


[-] viper8828 | 1 points | Jan 09 2018 13:37:36

dont sleep on knight rider yo!


[-] d00mt0mb | 1 points | Feb 17 2018 04:46:03

IMHO, 15.91GB rip looks better in some instances. Let me explain... there is some sort of weird aliasing in this rip. All the edges, George's shirt, Jerry's shirt look like pixel caterpillars.

I'm watching this on a 28" UHD monitor. The other x265 rip is about 1/6 the size, loses SOME detail but is smoother and does not have these weird artifacts.


[-] dickmastaflex | -4 points | Jan 09 2018 11:44:13



[-] you_get_CMV_delta | 4 points | Jan 09 2018 11:47:19

That's a legitimate point. I never thought about it from that perspective before.
