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grell851 | 16 points | Jan 05 2018 11:03:11

[Movie] 3 days of the condor 1975 DVDrip x264 530 MB | Megalinks MegaDB [Movie] 3 days of the condor 1975 DVDrip x264 530 MB

decode with base 64


n Sydney Pollack’s critically acclaimed suspense-thriller, Robert Redfo rd (SPY GAME) stars as CIA Agent Joe Turner. Code name: Condor. When h is entire office is massacred, Turner goes on the run from his enemies…a nd his so-called allies. After reporting the murders to his superiors, the organization wants to bring Condor in – but somebody is trying to ta ke him out. In his frantic hunt for answers, and in a desperate run for his life, Turner abducts photographer Kathy Hale) Faye Dunaway, THE THO MAS CROWN AFFAIR), eventually seducing her into helping him. Every twis t leads Condor to the end of his nerves…and will take you to the edge of your seat. With nowhere to turn and no one to trust, Turner realizes h is most dangerous enemy may be closer than he ever feared. And as he ze roes in on the truth, he discovers there are some secrets people would k ill to keep.


[-] chagmed | 2 points | Jan 06 2018 00:09:42

