edimusrex | 71 points
These files are renamed and tagged to be compatible with Sonarr / Plex and are from the following location :
[-] Mr-Pin3appl3 | 3 points
Friendly reminder that plex has an option to order shows based on both dvd and air date link to plex forums
So cool! I never got to watch all of these! Thanks! Now I want to find these in 720p.
[-] darksaviorx | 2 points
You won't find them. I'd wait for the bluray which should be released sometime this year. Some episodes have interlacing and poor compression in general when I watched the original dvds many years ago.
[-] Kevin84333 | 2 points
How is your post from 2 moths ago and for some reason it is listed as new submission?
[-] Deathbot64 | 2 points
an edit maybe
[-] GnatGingrich | 1 points
I thought posts were not allowed for now.
[-] ne0f | 3 points | Dec 29 2017 22:32:20
Thank you so much. Saved me tons of work!
[-] edimusrex | 3 points | Dec 30 2017 00:47:05
Luckily each episode had the title after the opening credits. I literally went through each file and tagged it. Enjoy!