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grell851 | 9 points | Dec 16 2017 11:39:02

[Movie] Don't Go Near the Water 1957 DVDrip x264 908 MB | Megalinks MegaDB [Movie] Don't Go Near the Water 1957 DVDrip x264 908 MB

Decode with base 64 aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56LyMhOWFwbkVZTEEhNTA2dmFBSlhqMGYydEV3MFQ2bUxZdUZlSjRMdERuU2NMVnVxaGdIZXNCYw==

They also serve who only sit and type! Hollywood brought audiences to atten-hut! in the 1950s and '60s with a string of military comedies like Mr. Roberts, Operation Petticoat, Ensign Pulver, No Time for Sergeants and this splash into the typing pool of dry-land sailors - a Navy publicity team in the World War II Pacific. Glenn Ford, who appeared in a fistful of the era's service comedies, stars as a lieutenant with a knack for PR activities like placating big shots, calming romantic waters, deflating puffed-up journalists and puffing a profane-mouthed gob into the public's idea of the perfect enlisted man. Also in the large, shipshape cast: Anne Francis, Keenan Wynn and Mickey Shaughnessy.


[-] boltrop | 1 points | Dec 16 2017 11:42:07

Don't Go Near the Water (1957)

Genre | Megalinks MegaDB Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Romance, War

Rating | Megalinks MegaDB Rating: 6.3 (482 votes)

Certification | Megalinks MegaDB Certification: Approved

Runtime | Megalinks MegaDB Runtime: 107 min

Director(s) | Megalinks MegaDB Director(s): Charles Walters

Writer(s) | Megalinks MegaDB Writer(s): William Brinkley, Dorothy Kingsley

Cast | Megalinks MegaDB Cast: Glenn Ford, Gia Scala, Earl Holliman, Anne Francis

Plot | Megalinks MegaDB Plot: On a small South Pacific island during WW2, various US Navy P.R. personnel pass the time romancing the nurses and the native girls while trying to avoid front line Sea Duty.

^This ^summary ^is ^taken ^from ^imdb.com ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha
