Eucbevt | 53 points
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[-] boldfacebutton7 | 2 points
what is the chronological order to read it ??
[-] BluefyreAccords | 3 points
But if you have never read any of them, start with the Chronicles trilogy. Everything else is based around that.
[-] tony_curtis_is_dead | 1 points
Start with Chronicles (Dragons of Autumn Twilight, ...Winter Night, ...Spring Dawning) and follow with Legends (Time of the Twins, War of... Test of...). Those six will give you a solid base for the entire series, and is a great place to pause in the main storyline and explore (as Weis and Hickman also paused the main story for a decade while others filled out the the world).
[-] boldfacebutton7 | 1 points
Thank you. Will look into it
[-] BluefyreAccords | 1 points
If Chronicles doesnt hook you, Legends will. Holy shit was that a great trilogy. ;) And Chronicles itself isn’t chopped liver.
[-] rex_longfellow | 1 points
What are these books about?
[-] BluefyreAccords | 2 points
Dragons and lances. :p
It is a book series based in the Dragonlance world that was created by the writers of the original books for their D&D campaign. Start with the Chronicles trilogy if you aren’t familiar with the series. Everything else is built around it. It is very good. Very Tolkenesqe.
[-] Limpidprogress | 1 points
Legend of Huma was my first intro to the series. So many memories!
[-] GodnBabyJesusHelpUs | 1 points
[-] Isaac_The_Writer | 1 points
Thank you so much! I've wanted to read some of these for awhile now. Would it be possible to get the Forgotten Realms books? There's another post that has a lot of them but I believe it's incomplete.
[-] doctorwho6904 | 1 points
Thank you so much! I remember reading the Chronicles books when i was in elementary school. I think it was the 3rd or 4th grade i read them. Ah those were good times. It'll be good to go back to them and remember the good old day's. But anyway thanks again!
[-] Jayson_Bonz | 1 points
Bookmark for later, thank you for this. I've been trying to find these for a long time.
[-] Dickgray0708 | 1 points
Thank you very much!!
[-] sentinelofdarkness | 1 points
[-] balroc | 2 points | Dec 12 2017 02:34:01
Thank you very much for answering my request, this is awesome!!!
[-] Eucbevt | 2 points | Dec 12 2017 04:28:23
You're welcome.