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Mortos3 | 32 points | Dec 11 2017 02:01:19

[MUSIC] Fullmetal Alchemist soundtrack collection [3.53GB] | Megalinks MegaDB [MUSIC] Fullmetal Alchemist soundtrack collection [3.53GB]

base64: aHR0cDovL2xpbmtzLnNuYWhwLml0Lzk3M2ZtYW9zdHM=

Contains the FMA: Brotherhood soundtracks in FLAC, and the Fullmetal Alchemist soundtracks in MP3 (with one album in FLAC).


[-] bk20111 | 1 points | Dec 11 2017 09:33:00



[-] xXsTeffOovErkILLXx | 1 points | Dec 11 2017 20:47:28

Yes! Beautiful, thank you!


[-] xXsTeffOovErkILLXx | 1 points | Dec 12 2017 16:15:26

I now got to download it and I noticed that there are a couple of tracks missing, in the FMA: Brotherhood soundtrack at least.

Any way you could upload them as well?


[-] Mortos3 | 2 points | Dec 12 2017 22:42:04

ok it's fixed now, looks like Megasync doesn't recognize files with tilde characters [~] in the filename


[-] xXsTeffOovErkILLXx | 1 points | Dec 12 2017 22:54:44

Nice, thanks! A very strange problem, but thank you for your hard work, very appreciated!!


[-] Mortos3 | 1 points | Dec 12 2017 22:56:03

Now I'm looking back at my Ghibli collection though and there are folders and files with the tilde in the name, and they uploaded ok, so who knows.


[-] xXsTeffOovErkILLXx | 1 points | Dec 12 2017 22:58:18

let's just hope this doesn't occur again :D


[-] Mortos3 | 1 points | Dec 12 2017 22:01:59

Hmm, not sure how that happened. Will try re-uploading.


[-] GCharlie | 1 points | Dec 12 2017 21:40:54

FMA OST collection contains no actual original soundtracks.

why omit them?


[-] Mortos3 | 1 points | Dec 12 2017 22:02:56

That's all that came in the collection I downloaded. I can't find torrents for them elsewhere either.


[-] ChaosPrimed | 1 points | Mar 19 2018 05:35:31

Thank you for this! But I'm a tad bit confused on how this is all ordered (ie: ED 2 has three music files in it...?)


[-] Mortos3 | 2 points | Mar 20 2018 19:18:27

ED and OP usually stand for Ending and Opening, they're single releases of the songs used for the credits sequences. They often just have a couple tracks.


[-] ChaosPrimed | 1 points | Mar 21 2018 07:47:31

Ah ok, thanks!
