Mortos3 | 32 points
base64: aHR0cDovL2xpbmtzLnNuYWhwLml0Lzk3M2ZtYW9zdHM=
Contains the FMA: Brotherhood soundtracks in FLAC, and the Fullmetal Alchemist soundtracks in MP3 (with one album in FLAC).
[-] xXsTeffOovErkILLXx | 1 points
Yes! Beautiful, thank you!
[-] xXsTeffOovErkILLXx | 1 points
I now got to download it and I noticed that there are a couple of tracks missing, in the FMA: Brotherhood soundtrack at least.
Any way you could upload them as well?
ok it's fixed now, looks like Megasync doesn't recognize files with tilde characters [~] in the filename
[-] xXsTeffOovErkILLXx | 1 points
Nice, thanks! A very strange problem, but thank you for your hard work, very appreciated!!
Now I'm looking back at my Ghibli collection though and there are folders and files with the tilde in the name, and they uploaded ok, so who knows.
[-] xXsTeffOovErkILLXx | 1 points
let's just hope this doesn't occur again :D
[-] ChaosPrimed | 1 points
Thank you for this! But I'm a tad bit confused on how this is all ordered (ie: ED 2 has three music files in it...?)
ED and OP usually stand for Ending and Opening, they're single releases of the songs used for the credits sequences. They often just have a couple tracks.
[-] ChaosPrimed | 1 points
Ah ok, thanks!
[-] bk20111 | 1 points | Dec 11 2017 09:33:00