Luigi_Gamer | 75 points
Any pass = the name of this subreddit
[-] TRUMP2016BUILDWALL | 2 points
Thank you so much. Love this show but the quality I have in my collection ain't this good
[-] thesunmustdie | 2 points
Definitely in my top 10 fav. TV shows of all time.
What's? 4 seasons yet only 12 GB?! My rule of thumb is 10 episodes of 1080p HEVC should be above 6 GB
[-] CidAndroid | 1 points
[-] ilovereverb | 1 points
Thanks very much!
[-] Jake548675 | 5 points | Dec 08 2017 12:43:42
I appreciate the effort to upload this, but (and I am sorry to say this), the quality of the MRN release is crap. I wish people wouldn't create such low bitrate files. It's a waste of time/bandwidth/space. Anyone who wants good quality, get the UTR release instead:
UTR didn't do S04 yet, so that one is 22GB: