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AabidS10 | 19 points | Dec 06 2017 13:05:26

[TV] Lifeline.Youtube.Red.Original.S01.COMPLETE.720p(8 episodes) | Megalinks MegaDB [TV] Lifeline.Youtube.Red.Original.S01.COMPLETE.720p(8 episodes)

Lifeline | Megalinks MegaDB Lifeline

Lifeline is an American science fiction drama series broadcast on the YouTube Red network which began October 11, 2017. Starring Zach Gilford, and Sydney Park. Created by screenwriters Benjamin Freiburger and Grant Wheeler, the show tells the tale of an insurance agency that uses time travel to prevent the deaths of their clients. After the company's best agent, Conner Hooks, accidentally causes his wife's death during a save-gone-bad, he attempts to find her killer while searching for a way to travel back in time and reverse history. The first season consisted of eight episodes.

Episode 1(upto 2160p)

Episode 2-8
