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grell851 | 19 points | Dec 03 2017 12:21:22

[Movie] Color of Magic 2008 DVDrip 720x264 1.08GB | Megalinks MegaDB [Movie] Color of Magic 2008 DVDrip 720x264 1.08GB

Decode with base 64


Inside a magical realm known as Discworld, a naive tourist (Astin) is on holiday until a terrible fire breaks out, forcing him to flee along with an incompetent wizard (Jason). Now, as the clueless pair set out on a magical journey across the disc, neither realizes that they are merely pawns in an elaborate board game being played by the Gods. After encountering a pair of barbarians, they take a trip to an inverted mountain housing dragons that only exist in imagination, survive a fall off the edge of the disc during a perilous visit to the country Krull, and attempt to beat the wizard's former classmate (Curry) to a collection of eight spells that could save Discworld from total destruction.


[-] AReverieofEnvisage | 1 points | Dec 03 2017 19:03:13

Is this only Color of Magic and not Light Fantastic? I was looking this up and it's a mini series I believe. But only 2 movie/episodes were made.


[-] grell851 | 2 points | Dec 03 2017 21:13:15

I don't know , it does have 2 parts if the 2nd part is called the light fantastic then it it here


[-] Yunnres | 1 points | Dec 04 2017 03:23:57

Yeah, part 2 follows the plot of the second book in the series, which is called The Light Fantastic.


[-] AReverieofEnvisage | 1 points | Dec 06 2017 21:20:46

Almost finished with the 2nd part. Yes it is both parts, and it's a pretty cool adaptation of the books. Lol, great characters and the humor transfers over well. Thank you for the upload!


[-] seeueniway | 1 points | Dec 11 2017 08:08:07

is this in english?


[-] grell851 | 1 points | Dec 11 2017 10:46:33

