ecchh | 50 points
Any pass = the name of this subreddit.
Extract with bandizip/7zip/peazip (windows), keka (mac), p7zip (linux).
If you're still having trouble extracting, you may have had CRC errors during the download process. Verify that the file integrity is intact by opening the .sfv file with QuickSFV.
[-] ThatOneDudeHere | 1 points
I know there's a number of optional audio tracks, are any of them commentaries?
No, sorry. I'm not sure if there just wasn't any commentary on the bluray or the REMUX release I got just didn't include them. The AAC audio tracks are just the regular audio from the episodes. One set is encoded at VBR4 using libfdk_aac and the other is encoded at VBR5 using libfdk_aac.
Noob here. How do I get direct zippy links from a nofile link? I use IDM downloader.
[-] MystikalEnergy | 1 points
[-] NEETologist | 1 points
There's 3 ZippyShare links, Which one is the right one?
The first one is the series with the opus audio, the second one is standard-quality AAC audio-only for those who want it and the third one is high-quality AAC audio-only for those who want it.
[-] NEETologist | 1 points
[-] suckmywaifu | 1 points
so what is the difference between all the audio files and is it worth downloading the extra 2.5gb for it?
[-] therealkimi | 1 points | Nov 26 2017 22:31:53
noob here. What does "StarLord" and "UTR" mean in this title?
[-] ecchh | 1 points | Nov 26 2017 22:39:18
StarLord is the name of the person who encoded the video to x265 format, and UTR (UniTeam Release) is the group that it was encoded for.
[-] [deleted] | 2 points | Nov 26 2017 23:56:43
I have "NNDD" and Joy encodes, now these. which should I keeP?
[-] ecchh | 3 points | Nov 27 2017 00:26:29
If hard drive space is your concern, NNDD or Joy is the better option. However, you should keep the extras from one of those versions if you choose to replace them in favor of a higher quality rip, because this release doesn't have the extras included in the Joy or NNDD releases.
[-] [deleted] | 3 points | Nov 27 2017 00:32:38
word up thanks. i dont care about extras, but i do like hdd space. thanks dude