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achilles1515 | 33 points | Nov 20 2017 16:53:32

[EDUCATION] Lynda - Excel 2016 Essential Training [1.40 GB] | Megalinks MegaDB [EDUCATION] Lynda - Excel 2016 Essential Training [1.40 GB]

Start mastering Excel, the world's most popular and powerful spreadsheet program, with Excel expert Dennis Taylor. Learn how to best enter and organize data, perform calculations with simple functions, work with multiple worksheets, format the appearance of your data and cells, and build charts and PivotTables. Other lessons cover the powerful IF, VLOOKUP, and COUNTIF family of functions; the Goal Seek, Solver, and other data analysis tools; and automating tasks with macros.

mega.nz/#!MCM | Megalinks MegaDB MZzBZyK!CHBXwHXew65EmoMpGnsPUy4gqg7mOUA8A49x2bM | Megalinks MegaDB MitqPU

Remove the bold | Megalinks MegaDB bold letters.


[-] VoxPopuliCry | 1 points | Nov 21 2017 05:23:39


Side note: How good is this Excel Training by Lynda? Is it like a course, or is just a tutorial?
