doctorwho6904 | 51 points
This folder contains all 9 books and 1 short story in The Expanse series. All books are separate and in Epub format. This series was requested by thanksiworkout. The books are of the best quality that i could find. If i find better versions i will upload them. I hope you all enjoy. Use to decode. Decode both the link and key.
Link: aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56LyNGITgyZ3drSVRS
(Update) I've added the latest book in the series to the folder.
I did a copy/paste of the key and it says it's invalid.
Did you decode the key as well?
I did, but I finally figured out what went wrong, when I double click the decrypted text to highlight it, the first character doesn't get selected for some reason (chrome). It doesn't do that on other text boxes, don't know what it can be.
Thank you for replying and thanks to the uploader, I managed to get the books in the end.
Paging u/thanksiworkout
[-] thanksiworkout | 2 points
Good lookin out. (;
[-] Zodep | 2 points | Nov 18 2017 03:17:58
Great series! Thank you!