zackogenic | 62 points
Instructions: Copy code(minus the word inside the brackets and the brackets themselves) to and complete the captcha.
Please, if you enjoy the game purchase it.
You willing to share oblivion?
[-] zackogenic | 2 points
Sure. Here
Any plans for Fallout 3 also?
Edit: also, thanks!
[-] zackogenic | 2 points
I don't have FO3 on GOG unfortnutly, just MW, OB, and FNV
Ah, ok. Thanks for NV!
[-] rhun982 | 18 points | Nov 09 2017 23:05:16
I know OP already said this, but if you like the game and if/when you have the financial means, please purchase it (preferably from GOG). It's just another way we can vote with our dollars to promote good products (like FNV) and good services (like DRM free)