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ecchh | 24 points | Nov 07 2017 03:20:51

[MOVIE] The Wolf Man 1941 1080p BluRay x264 DTS 2.0-CiNEFiLE (5.46 GB) | Megalinks MegaDB [MOVIE] The Wolf Man 1941 1080p BluRay x264 DTS 2.0-CiNEFiLE (5.46 GB)


Media info

MEGA | Zippyshare (.DLC, use JDownloader)

Any pass = the name of this subreddit.

Extract with 7zip/peazip/bandizip (windows), keka (mac), p7zip (linux).


If you're still having trouble extracting, you may have had CRC errors during the download process. Verify that the file integrity is intact by opening the .sfv file with QuickSFV. If you are using MEGAsync, try using the web client or JDownloader instead.

Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man (1943)


[-] boltrop | 1 points | Nov 07 2017 03:21:07

The Wolf Man (1941)

Genre | Megalinks MegaDB Genre: Horror

Rating | Megalinks MegaDB Rating: 7.4 (18651 votes)

Certification | Megalinks MegaDB Certification: Approved

Runtime | Megalinks MegaDB Runtime: 70 min

Director(s) | Megalinks MegaDB Director(s): George Waggner

Writer(s) | Megalinks MegaDB Writer(s): Curt Siodmak

Cast | Megalinks MegaDB Cast: Claude Rains, Warren William, Lon Chaney Jr., Ralph Bellamy

Plot | Megalinks MegaDB Plot: A practical man returns to his homeland, is attacked by a creature of folklore, and infected with a horrific disease his disciplined mind tells him can not possibly exist.

^This ^summary ^is ^taken ^from ^imdb.com ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha
