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BLCEyeProtection | 354 points | Oct 21 2017 02:17:21

[META] /u/ex1ld's account has vanished. He is a very prolific uploader here, and he can't post anymore. | Megalinks MegaDB [META] /u/ex1ld's account has vanished. He is a very prolific uploader here, and he can't post anymore.

Hi guys,

I've always enjoyed when /u/ex1ld would upload, and would frequently check his profile page for anything new he would have posted, and recently discovered that his profile has disappeared. Attempting to load his profile page causes a loop of redirects that does not resolve, yet you can still see his account exists by searching him on this subreddit.

I left a comment on his most recent upload and he responded using a second account; he can still login, see his preferences and karma etc, but can't access his profile, post or comment. His second account can be found at /u/ex1ld1. He can't comment on this subreddit from that account due to a lack of karma.

If anyone knows anything that can be done to help him get his account back to normal, that would be great. Thanks so much!

EDIT : some clarification


[-] nt07077 | 95 points | Oct 21 2017 02:35:37

That guy who loves to post everything in one zip?


[-] OrangeCarton | 57 points | Oct 21 2017 05:58:08

That asshole...

nah I'm kidding. He uploads a lot of good shit. Gone Girl and The Nice Guys are two good ones that I recently remember from him, and I'm forever grateful

Sucks what happened to his account.. whatever happened to it.

edit: spelling


[-] letsnotreadintoit | 17 points | Oct 21 2017 06:28:56

lol, I like getting the movies, but I also wish the featurettes were separated


[-] XerXesKay | 21 points | Oct 21 2017 08:57:43

Ungrateful people are the worst, you're one of them.


[-] MathTheUsername | 60 points | Oct 21 2017 16:05:16

There are times when I go to download something from this subreddit and I'm like, "Ugh really with the xx.com, base64, and remove the bold letters??"

Then I immediately realize I am a non-contributing sponge and have no right to complain, and I feel like an asshole.


[-] Frankly_George | 13 points | Oct 21 2017 17:46:40

<a href="/u/MathTheUsername">MathTheUsername</a> | Megalinks MegaDB MathTheUsername posted:

Then I immediately realize I am a non-contributing sponge and have no right to complain, and I feel like an asshole.

I've heard the first step for both of us to take is admitting we have a problem. I too am guilty of this and need to remember to just be grateful. (I sometimes overcompensate for this by thanking profusely. I need to watch that too.)


[-] Bodyguard121 | 10 points | Oct 21 2017 18:39:41

No he is right. Im very thankful to all the content posters here but there are some of us with bad internet and it can be a real pain in the ass to download things sometimes.


[-] generalecchi | -9 points | Oct 21 2017 16:13:01



[-] iPhunwa2 | 78 points | Oct 21 2017 02:59:51

Something similar happened to my first account (/u/iPhunwa). I could log in, could see the comments, read messages, etc but no one else could see my replies. Upon talking with the administrator's I was told that my account had been shadow-banned because someone mass reported my posts as spam. There was no way I could get my account back and thus I had to create this new one. I guess that is /u/ex1ld's only option too, unless he wants to discuss it with reddit's staff.


[-] tr0llhunters | 40 points | Oct 21 2017 03:41:35

To check if account is shadowbanned

post at /r/ShadowBan


open your profile page in new incognito/private window


[-] sneakpeekbot | 16 points | Oct 21 2017 03:41:44

Here's a sneak peek of /r/ShadowBan using the <a href="https://np.reddit.com/r/ShadowBan/top/?sort=top&t=year">top posts</a> of the year! | Megalinks MegaDB Here's a sneak peek of /r/ShadowBan using the top posts of the year!

#1: An unofficial guide on how to avoid being shadowbanned
#2: Is Finland a country?
#3: Am I shadowbanned?

^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^Contact ^^me ^^| ^^Info ^^| ^^Opt-out


[-] Ullror | 13 points | Oct 21 2017 20:23:11

"Is Finland a country?"

asking all the important questions about ShadowBans I see.


[-] ll_cool_james | 2 points | Oct 21 2017 20:23:42

Good bot


[-] GoodBot_BadBot | 1 points | Oct 21 2017 20:23:44

Thank you ll_cool_james for voting on sneakpeekbot.

This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. You can view results here.

^^Even ^^if ^^I ^^don't ^^reply ^^to ^^your ^^comment, ^^I'm ^^still ^^listening ^^for ^^votes. ^^Check ^^the ^^webpage ^^to ^^see ^^if ^^your ^^vote ^^registered!


[-] Genericandhere | 9 points | Oct 21 2017 04:12:49

Don't have phunwaa have gumwaa



[-] NSName | 6 points | Oct 21 2017 09:45:06

So like anyone can report all of your posts as spam and they shadow banned you that easily?


[-] Nobodycares4242 | 13 points | Oct 21 2017 10:36:58

Only if a really massive number of people do it. But sometimes people can be really petty about things they don't like, and I'm pretty sure u/ex1ld posted a lot of anime. Some people get really annoyed about that "weeb trash". And the admins aren't exactly great at responding to complaints, including undeserved shadowbans, so it's usually faster to make a new account.


[-] jmerc83 | 7 points | Oct 21 2017 12:16:19

I wouldn't blame this on people, there are companies that actively push agendas on this site. It wouldn't take much money for them to get several bots to mass report a person.


[-] Nobodycares4242 | 11 points | Oct 21 2017 13:52:37

Eh, I know that happens, but I'm very sure it's often just reddit mobs and circlejerks getting toxic, like they always do. A while ago when I took this website more seriously I used to moderate a few large subreddits, and it's amazing how easily hatemobs can start here from a bunch of unconnected people all disliking something.


[-] TonySharkks | 43 points | Oct 21 2017 03:18:02

/u/mastershaolin is shadowbanned, too. Seems like some people might report content or posters they don't like? Trying not to be cynical, but I can't think of another option.


[-] ecchh | 37 points | Oct 21 2017 06:50:56

That would really be a shame. These are people who worked really hard to provide great content for everyone.


[-] TonySharkks | 9 points | Oct 21 2017 21:51:37

This behavior would go hand in hand with the downvoting I see around here. There's no reason to downvote on this subreddit just because you don't like the content someone posted. We don't post opinions or funny pictures here. Take it or leave it and respect the provider, I say. You see similar things on other platforms with false DMCA claims, for example. Or flagging campaigns for "harassment." It's just an idea, I'm not sure if this is actually happening or not. Thanks for the Halloween stuff btw!


[-] aManPerson | 1 points | Oct 22 2017 08:35:54

it's not a shame, it could be mild disruption efforts. hell, we know links get taken down. some powers at be know about this place. mass reporting comments as spam and getting an account shadow banned can be a way to slow things down here and make it harder for people to find things.

entirely part of the game.


[-] NSName | 11 points | Oct 21 2017 09:53:42

WTF so they report people for putting content they don't like, is that a thing?


[-] Blue-Thunder | 6 points | Oct 21 2017 17:25:01



[-] CourseHeroRyan | 9 points | Oct 21 2017 16:17:16

Maybe I'm being paranoid but what if its a network of bots from content creators that is causing the reports?



[-] TonySharkks | 5 points | Oct 21 2017 21:55:22

Plausible, but I think you would see accounts posting things from big studios taken down more often and content removed if that were the case. 🤔


[-] AabidS10 | 19 points | Oct 21 2017 03:14:10

Can't the mods do an exception in his case and allow him to post?


[-] AabidS10 | 34 points | Oct 21 2017 03:14:59

Or he could just post something on a random sub and we could mass upvote him to help him get karma


[-] TonySharkks | 20 points | Oct 21 2017 04:06:57

I think shadowbans are at the admin level. Nothing mods can do.


[-] Nobodycares4242 | 10 points | Oct 21 2017 10:38:43

Shadowbans are done by admins,but what they do is make all your posts automatically removed wherever you post. Mods can manually approve them if they want to.


[-] kAy- | 3 points | Oct 21 2017 21:02:11

TIL. Always thought that they were not removed, just people couldn't see them and mods had no power over it.


[-] AabidS10 | 8 points | Oct 21 2017 04:22:16

Oh ok


[-] NSName | 3 points | Oct 21 2017 10:00:37

you can give karma to his new account /u/ex1ld1.


[-] barnaby132 | 15 points | Oct 21 2017 05:43:55

Just make a new account lul, I've had like 5 accounts since I started


[-] [deleted] | 13 points | Oct 21 2017 03:23:51

deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.2938 ^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?


[-] WhiteMilk_ | 30 points | Oct 21 2017 04:25:31


Doesn't exactly sound like a good thing.


[-] IgnoreMyName | 9 points | Oct 21 2017 02:28:13

Upvoting for visibility.


[-] Doip | 8 points | Oct 21 2017 08:08:29

I'd noticed the anime spam had stopped. Shame to lose such a heavy poster.


[-] phizzyphizzy | 4 points | Oct 21 2017 23:32:23

So this person's name is 'ex1ld' (exiled) and they have been exiled? The prophecy.


[-] sloppy | 3 points | Oct 21 2017 22:51:50

I've been by to upvote all his posts in the thread where he asks for help. I may not particularly like or even use his material but I hate seeing someone get screwed over like this.


[-] moradizox | 2 points | Oct 21 2017 20:54:30

I have a post or two of his saved and I can still access them! Yey!


[-] Scolder | 2 points | Oct 22 2017 02:56:11

So easy to shadowban someone wow. I wonder if the DMCA isn't paying people to do it knowing admins don't really care either way.


[-] aManPerson | 2 points | Oct 22 2017 08:36:56

i do think it's a disruption effort by someone. links get taken down here, we're not unknown.
