taimourmasood | 38 points
Topics include: - Cleaning up the background
Removing Distractions with the Spot Healing Brush
Removing logos, jewelry, and lint
Sculpting with Liquify
Smoothing skin
Removing unflattering distortion
Changing the face with Face-Aware Liquify
Removing shadows and Wrinkles
Improving eyes
Whitening teeth
Changing makeup
Using multiple frames
L:https://xxx.nz/#F!cS4Tha7K (Replace xxx with Mega)
K: IVhyUG5OVmdvbDNnV21kTXFncXpvc3c= [Base64Encoded] (https://www.base64decode.org/)
[-] ManikandanRaji | 1 points
Comic courses pls!
[-] [deleted] | 2 points | Oct 13 2017 12:49:44
[-] taimourmasood | 2 points | Oct 13 2017 12:56:21
Sorry Bro, Don't have any :/