MrXnoid | 26 points
Decode the above base64 link to obtain the megalink
The above folder contains the leaked season 9 episodes of curb your enthusiasm in 720P The episodes have a running time stamp on them and also have a banner of HBO is falling on the bottom which can be seen in the screenshots included in the folder
I have also included a sample for those who would like to see framerates and audio before they download
Being a die hard fan of the show I couldn't wait for weeks to watch these episodes . For anyone new getting into the show I wouldn't recommend these as they have the annoying banner and the timestamp as stated above .
Hope you enjoy as the episodes are pretty pretty pretty pretty good !
[-] StillLoveCDs | 5 points
[-] patapatapatapata | 5 points
Being a die hard fan of the show I couldn't wait for weeks to watch these episodes
But now you're going to have to 3 weeks to get the 5th episode. It's why I never download leaked episodes. I just end up blueballing myself even harder lol.
Hey guys this is the reupload
Link: aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56LyNGIVlHNTNpS1NJ Key: IUh3SWVfVmdvVGZ1dU4tRVJwTEQ1MlE=
It consists of all the files in the original upload Decode both the link and the key using base64
Pls import to cloud as another reupload might not be possible
Enjoy !
[-] Eyeknowthis | 1 points
You're a champ, thank you x
[-] CidAndroid | 1 points
You just made the world a better place. Thank you so much!
[-] Boss_Hogg17 | 1 points
Hey just wondering what the decryption key is?
[-] AReallyScaryGhost | -8 points
720P The episodes have a running time stamp on them and also have a banner of HBO is falling on the bottom
I'd rather wait
[-] [deleted] | 1 points
[-] StokedforLocust | 7 points | Oct 03 2017 17:38:48
Seems the link is already dead, but thanks for posting.