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GoslingIchi | 7 points | Sep 28 2017 11:14:27

[TV] Star Trek Discovery e01 -REPACK- 1080p NF DD5.1 NTb [1.4 GB] | Megalinks MegaDB [TV] Star Trek Discovery e01 -REPACK- 1080p NF DD5.1 NTb [1.4 GB]

URLs are b64 of course, and correct the name of the storage provider. | Megalinks MegaDB correct the name of the storage provider. The files are RAR'ed but there's no password. Subtitles are included for the copious amounts of Klingon.


This should fix the issues pointed out by Bonsaipanda in my post for e01/02


Episode 01 The Vulcan Hello - 1080P NF DD5.1 NTb REPACK | Megalinks MegaDB REPACK 1.14 GB: aHR0cHM6Ly90aW55Lm56LyMhOFdaMXdKWWEhRGFFVllRUnJFNWtDcjlpWmNQQ1FMTlN4YWJkdG5nVEdmX3dNM3p3SVhMRQ==
