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GoslingIchi | 32 points | Sep 26 2017 09:53:48

[TV] Star Trek Discovery e01/02 1080p NF DD5.1 NTb 1.2/1.1 GB | Megalinks MegaDB [TV] Star Trek Discovery e01/02 1080p NF DD5.1 NTb 1.2/1.1 GB

Be gentle! It's my first share with the community!


URLs are b64 of course, and correct the name of the storage provider. | Megalinks MegaDB correct the name of the storage provider. The files are RAR'ed but there's no password. Subtitles are included for the copious amounts of Klingon.


Episode 01 The Vulcan Hello - 1080P NF DD5.1 NTb REPACK | Megalinks MegaDB REPACK 1.14 GB: aHR0cHM6Ly90aW55Lm56LyMhOFdaMXdKWWEhRGFFVllRUnJFNWtDcjlpWmNQQ1FMTlN4YWJkdG5nVEdmX3dNM3p3SVhMRQ==


Episode 02 Battle At The Binary Stars - 1080P NF DD5.1 NTb 1.10 GB: aHR0cHM6Ly90aW55Lm56LyMhNFhBblhhTEQhSU1QOEh1N2MwQ3NpemJSdWU0Tm9MY1RvWUt4VERiTVNNeWFUSG5yVlhxcw==


[-] Bonsaipanda | 2 points | Sep 26 2017 21:14:38

welp. The video is corrupt with weird contrast effect blowing out all colors and highlights and it comes in and out randomly. Also, the sound is very weirdly compressed.


[-] GoslingIchi | 1 points | Sep 26 2017 21:30:41

I'm not experiencing those issues with VLC 3.0.


[-] Bonsaipanda | 2 points | Sep 27 2017 17:04:43

The effect is visible at 1:36 when the contrast boost turns off and the highlights in the skies come back. Contrast comes on again at 1:41 and all highlights get blown out. Not sure where that came from, but this is printed on the video and is not an issue with the player. (it's not serious, I just like to watch the original material)


[-] GoslingIchi | 1 points | Sep 27 2017 20:53:53

Now I see what you mean. I watched it first with a webrip so I only spot checked this release before uploading and I didn't see that part. I wonder if it's something NF is doing to mess with downloaders as I think that is the same section that has corruption in a different rip.

There might not be a pristine release until the discs come out.


[-] Bonsaipanda | 1 points | Sep 28 2017 13:49:08

There is also the possibility that the contrast boost was added in the actual original broadcast (which feels a bit goofy, as the title sequence is completely blown out)...


[-] GoslingIchi | 1 points | Sep 28 2017 10:19:48

I'm uploading the repack now, and I'm going to take this e01 off.

The link for the REPACK is up in the original post and in a new thread.


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Sep 26 2017 19:26:40



[-] raleighs | 1 points | Sep 27 2017 02:02:43

Why is it going through tiny.nz?

I get this:



[-] GrimChaos | 3 points | Sep 27 2017 02:39:26

change to mega


[-] raleighs | 2 points | Sep 27 2017 02:48:32

Tricky! Thanks!!


[-] GoslingIchi | 2 points | Sep 27 2017 06:14:19

I'll bold that part the next time.
