Jane625 | 147 points
EP 1
EP 2
Size: 1.33+1.21GB
[-] FRIENDSHIP_MASTER | 9 points
The second episode seems to be corrupt from 1:40 to 2:20. Anyone else experiencing this?
[-] [deleted] | 6 points
(Maybe a polemical comment follows:) I hope this is better than J.J.'s Trek. For me, TNG/DS9/Voyager is the Great Era of Trek.
[-] kaching335 | 5 points
Thank you so much. Just finished Episode 1 on air and it was such a damn tease.
[-] I_am_a_haiku_bot | -13 points
Thank you so much. Just
finished Episode 1 on air and it
was such a damn tease.
Bad bot
[-] GoodBot_BadBot | -3 points
Thank you luke_07 for voting on I_am_a_haiku_bot.
This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. You can view results here.
^^Even ^^if ^^I ^^don't ^^reply ^^to ^^your ^^comment, ^^I'm ^^still ^^listening ^^for ^^votes. ^^Check ^^the ^^webpage ^^to ^^see ^^if ^^your ^^vote ^^registered!
Bad bot
[-] Good_Good_GB_BB | -1 points
You're a dick, stop calling innocent bots bad. They don't know what they're doing, man.
[-] CaptOblivious | 2 points
Badly coded = bad bot
[-] CaptOblivious | 1 points
bad bot.
Thanks for this! Do you plan on uploading the others as they come out?
I'd be more than happy to pay for the show if they put it on iTunes, Amazon or Google Play, but I'm not subscribing to a streaming service that only has one show that I want to see.
[-] MarsWanKenobi | 2 points
[-] TonySharkks | 3 points
Episode 2 breaks ~2:00 minute mark. Heads up
[-] CarolinaHome | 2 points
Nice, and complete with English subs!
yeah, i forgot all my Klingon from ST.NG
[-] CarolinaHome | 1 points
Actually I was referring to subs for the regular dialog. But the subs for Kingon are helpful as well.
is ep 1 of this the repack or?
It seemed to all work fine, ep 2 has a bad skip in the beginning in 2 media players. Trying VLC. Yeah, there is something wrong, at ~ 1:37 it skips to 2:10 on the clock in vlc and plays with garbled video for a bit. Hopefully there is a proper incoming.
well they fixed it the uploader just never replaced the file. i grabbed from another source.
Don't suppose you can share that other source?
Edit: NM found it... http://linx.2ddl.ooo/451sdgre - Zippy Share
[-] TheAmazingFailure | 2 points
a mega link from that source. password is the name of the sub.
[-] [deleted] | 1 points
[-] OpheliaSwan | 1 points
YAY! Thank you!
[-] PRE_-CISION-_ | 1 points
[-] Sun_Djinn_Kari | 1 points
Thank you, and fly safe!
[-] dkimmortal | 1 points
episode 2 has a repack in torrents, also OMG the pilot was amazing.
Hi, new to this thread. Do you have to signup to use megalinks? Can't seem to get it working. I'm using redditisfun. Thanks!
First mega just gives me invalid capcha every time. Finally got it on the second one. Dont understand why its in a rar.
[-] kaching335 | 1 points
To change the hash most likely
Yeah, turns out its legit. Im trained that rar files have passwords and are usually fakes, but Im new here, so maybe that isn't the case in this sub. :) Also first capcha didnt appear once I finally passed the one on the second file. Was just weird, I tried like 10 times, and Im not prone to typos.
[-] kaching335 | 3 points
It isn't here.
[-] ParadoxalDream | -1 points
2.0 is a bummer... Does this mean that CBS shitty streaming platform doesn't even have 5.1 audio??
I guess I'll be waiting for an international Netflix rip.
Only 2Ch audio.. Awful... Why bother
[-] [deleted] | 2 points
[-] haikubot-1911 | 5 points
Complaining about
Something you have stolen... I
Hope you mother dies.
^- ^TurboCatPiss
^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^made ^^by ^^/u/Eight1911. ^^I ^^detect ^^haiku.
[-] [deleted] | 15 points | Sep 25 2017 03:22:50
[-] Sielle | 4 points | Sep 25 2017 03:31:10
Made it to 2:19 before freezing. Restarted the video at 2:24 and seemed to be running fine so far.
[-] taosk8r | 2 points | Sep 25 2017 05:46:11
[-] ecfreak | 2 points | Sep 25 2017 06:58:14
repack was done