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douhaveanygreypoupon | 164 points | Sep 19 2017 18:11:26

[META] Direct Zippyshare links are now auto-removed as spam | Megalinks MegaDB [META] Direct Zippyshare links are now auto-removed as spam

According to a Reddit admin Zippyshare.com was reported as a spam domain and now any submissions with direct links to zippyshare.com are auto-removed and will need to be manually approved by a moderator.

Doesn't affect a lot of posters since most use links.snahp.it but if you see your post is removed or not showing up this is probably why.


[-] buszmen201 | 26 points | Sep 19 2017 18:33:35

zippyshare.com was reported as a spam domain

any sauce of this?


[-] douhaveanygreypoupon | 28 points | Sep 19 2017 18:43:49

PM from admin:

That domain has been reported by the Reddit community and subsequently banned for spam. You are welcome to appeal to the moderators of the subreddits you post to...if they believe content from that domain is inline with their community standards, they can approve those posts.


[-] blueturtle00 | -22 points | Sep 19 2017 19:31:30

All of the fake download here buttons weren’t a giveaway?


[-] dylmye | 41 points | Sep 19 2017 20:48:04

you don't use an adblocker?


[-] harryharpratap | 2 points | Sep 20 2017 13:13:12

It still shows up even though I'm using ublock origin.


[-] blueturtle00 | -16 points | Sep 19 2017 21:26:09

Not on my media center. Mega doesn’t tend to show me ads.


[-] chainmail_bob | 2 points | Sep 20 2017 01:22:32

I agree with you.


[-] [deleted] | 18 points | Sep 19 2017 20:06:00



[-] douhaveanygreypoupon | 16 points | Sep 19 2017 20:36:49

If I had to guess it's probably something to do with the /r/FreeDownloadSoftware2017 kind of subs that pop up and spam nothing but malware links all the time.

It's easy to bypass though, just stick the Zippyshare url behind a url forwarder or whatever.


[-] Jobenblue | 13 points | Sep 19 2017 20:30:12

Is this because of the Tom and Jerry?


[-] sohamsdays | 13 points | Sep 19 2017 22:42:45

Jerry mostly I think


[-] [deleted] | 6 points | Sep 20 2017 00:20:26



[-] gl1tchmob | 6 points | Sep 20 2017 03:01:35

Damn it, Jerry


[-] StillLoveCDs | 6 points | Sep 19 2017 22:38:03

that sucks. we need to get people over to the zippy section. get both subs flowing with active-ness.


[-] puffpants | 3 points | Sep 19 2017 23:33:57

What's the zippy sub?


[-] StillLoveCDs | 2 points | Sep 19 2017 23:57:34

that i can not answer 100%. im not sure the official sub is. but i know of https://www.reddit.com/domain/zippyshare.com/ that. its not as popular as mega tho. https://www.reddit.com/r/zippylinks/ - nothing posted


[-] jm8080 | 6 points | Sep 19 2017 23:20:11

I guess it's not much of a problem here since most(if not all) uploaders who also provide Zippyshare links use snahp.it's link protector.


[-] excel876 | 4 points | Sep 19 2017 22:54:39

What a stupid fcing move. Anything to get on your nerves......


[-] excel876 | 3 points | Sep 20 2017 00:02:46

Everything being reported by stupid moderaters.. too many sensitive people on here want to ruin it for everyone


[-] xHEDA | 2 points | Sep 19 2017 20:28:21

Oh wow
