Ryuzaki-L | 188 points
EDIT: It is 2am and I need to be up early tomorrow morning. I will continue fulfilling requests tomorrow afternoon.
EDIT2: This is raping my internet and my time, I'll finish what requests I've started on but then I'm done. Sorry, I didn't expect this post to get this much traction.
[-] randomcamel1 | 34 points
I want to start learning how to develop music on some DAW but the tutorials on youtube are not nicely structured. I think this course on lynda seems to be. I would really appreciate it if you get me this course but even if you don't or can't, I appreciate your thought of helping people with the courses they want!
In B64. aHR0cHM6Ly94eHh4Lm56LyNGIXc3UmlXQkFEIXI1clhhSDZRM1lTbURGX0RJb00xYWc=
[-] randomcamel1 | 4 points
Thank you kindly man.
[-] AmazingAnagram | 2 points
Do you have a cracked version of FL or did you buy it? I'm interested in finding a cracked version as I can't buy it :/
[-] randomcamel1 | 2 points
I have cracked version of it I downloaded it from TPB here's the one I downloaded fl studio just follow the instructions of installation down to the word and you're done.
Any chance you can up this to mega?
[-] randomcamel1 | 2 points
[-] Trust-Tyler | 34 points
Hey man, i really need this one please help me out:
Data Science Foundations: Python Scientific Stack!
[-] master_coyote | 2 points
+1 to that! thanks for all the good work, keep it up!
[-] Trust-Tyler | 1 points
Notice me senpai!!!!
[-] no1funkyguy | 26 points
It'd be amazing if you'd possibly upload a few of the Learning Path courses.
Completely understand if you're unable to upload any of these, because of the sheer amount of requests you're bound to get, but I would be forever grateful :)))))
[-] deadpools_besty | 9 points
I second becoming a portrait photographer.
[-] spongeballschavez | 3 points
Become an iOS 10 App Developer - aHR0cHM6Ly94eHh4Lm56LyMhVjZJVFdUd2EhWm81cmp3dFh3akh4V0dVbENIMjBzWFJGQXRXdWItZHJfN2VWdVByUUlJdw==
Become a Portrait Photographer - aHR0cHM6Ly94eHh4Lm56LyMhSjZwRkJTVGIhMGdiYzVzcVZ3dTE0Ykl4ZXFCV3U3anpfZjY4ZjNtb1RRamNDbHJUMVFrQQ== (Missing part 4... I ran it multiple times, taking 2hrs+, but it always threw errors. Sorry)
[-] spongeballschavez | 2 points
Dude, you are like a god to me now. Thank you very much!
[-] Mike072292 | 23 points
I've love to learn how to program. Maybe this https://www.lynda.com/Python-tutorials/Up-Running-Python/122467-2.html
[-] The_Path_I_Chose | 19 points
https://www.lynda.com/Accounting-tutorials/Personal-Investing-Basics/382578-2.html - this one pls
Please please please please please
[Using R studio] (https://www.lynda.com/R-tutorials/Using-RStudio/142447/149926-4.html)
[-] The_Path_I_Chose | 4 points
FYI, there are multiple courses here.
[-] CogginIsBack | 4 points
I am also interested in this.
[-] justhanginuknow | 14 points
(Blender Essential Training)
I want them ALL! But seriously anything is good. Best resource around for learning. On a side note, google Lynda.com + public library + your state. A lot of libraries offer free membership to Lynda.
[-] [deleted] | 9 points
Do you have 13TB of free space? That's what it takes for the entire 720p collection (approx).
720p? Phh, I only download AMZN WEB-DL x264 rips /s
[-] [deleted] | 5 points
In that case sell an organ for 30TB (it's a joke depending on where you live).
[-] CalvinsCuriosity | 4 points
/r/datahoarder we need you!
[-] sneakpeekbot | 2 points
#1: [NSFW] I archived >1TB of Eroshare, enjoy! (x-post)
#2: A friend calls and asks "I can't find this video on any streaming service. Any chance you have it?" | 201 comments
#3: I hit a bit of a milestone today | 360 comments
^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^Contact ^^me ^^| ^^Info ^^| ^^Opt-out
Holy. Mother. I never knew this! How did I never know this!? And it turns out my library does support this!
You are a national treasure, and should have a statue dedicated to you.
[-] sirlaughnmore | 13 points
I would love any of these. But it figures that I'd be out cold from flu medication when the Internet Jesus passes by to grant miracles. But thanks, good stuff on here already.
[-] Areyourmymummy | 3 points
[-] AmazingAnagram | 12 points
Universal Principles of Design
And just more general code development courses please.
I will edit this message as more files are uploaded.
The Science of Logo Design - aHR0cHM6Ly94eHh4Lm56LyNGIWx2NWdSWUpLIXVpcG9zWmhpTDVVM3FjcmJIV1FrdkE=
Universal Principles of Design - aHR0cHM6Ly94eHh4Lm56LyNGIU1tcFhDVEFUIVA2dVBXcmI0bWU5ZkdlYUl6MFJ1RXc=
Sadly the last one you requested is taking hours to finish... I might revisit it after some other requests.
[-] [deleted] | 2 points
[-] AmazingAnagram | 1 points
That was quick! & much appreciated
[-] AmazingAnagram | 1 points
All good with me! Thanks for what I've got so far, I super appreciate it bruv.
[-] Areyourmymummy | 1 points
[-] PuppyNubblies | 11 points
Lynda is sometimes free with your library card. I live in Brooklyn & all I had to do was enter my library card number into Lynda & it gave me full access
[-] BarackObama33 | 4 points
Pro Tip - holy shit, I have access now! Thanks a lot.
[-] Jncocontrol | 10 points
If you can get me anything on Blender Animation, that would be great.
https://www.lynda.com/NumPy-tutorials/NumPy-Data-Science-Essential-Training/508873-2.html - Numpy is crazy powerful and flexible but also hard to understand and the documentation is crap.
[-] master_coyote | 2 points
very interesting stuff, +1!
[-] Drummer7416 | 7 points
Any of the "become a" for music would be awesome! probably the edm would be best. Thanks
[-] duckwizzle | 6 points
These would be great if you could! Thanks!!
[-] Kleptomatikk | 6 points
If possible, id be really appreciative: https://www.lynda.com/Illustrator-tutorials/Adobe-Pen-Tool-Mastery/474688-2.html
[-] sirlaughnmore | 3 points
This Game,The Bezier Game, really helped me a lot in mastering the Pen Tool. I still use it as a great warm up.
[-] Kleptomatikk | 1 points
I've done this already. I need help on more complicated designs. Thanks tho!
[-] GeniusEvil | 1 points
Can we get this pls
[-] literallymetaphoric | 1 points
Hadoop for data analysis would be amazing
[-] [deleted] | 6 points
if you posted learning opengl, i would be very grateful
Blender Tips, Tricks & Techniques would also be nice (but not as important to me as the opengl one)
e: removed one link because someone else already posted it
Instead of pirating (yes i am aware where i'm posting) people can also check out if your local public library has a deal with lynda.com which would allow you access to all their courses as long as you have a library card.
just an fyi
[-] WifeKilledMy1stAcct | 1 points
My library only allows access to Gale Learning Courses. Ugh!
It would be great to have iOS App Development: Design Patterns for Mobile Architecture
Looking for pretty much anything about learning Ableton
[-] a7madfat7y | 5 points
I’d really appreciate this oneProject Management Professional (PMP) Certification Exam Preparation
(I don’t know why the link takes me to a linked-in URL when I click it)
And any of these if possible:
Excel VBA: process modelling
thanks op
[-] PmMeSteamWalletCode | 4 points
Hey can I have this, https://www.lynda.com/SQL-Server-tutorials/Querying-Microsoft-SQL-Server-2016-Databases/510081-2.html
[-] CoCaptainJack | 4 points
Hey! Thanks for doing this. Here's my request
[-] gurpreetshanky | 4 points
[-] [deleted] | 3 points
[-] [deleted] | 17 points
Please read the description. It clearly says "Copy links, don't just say 'i want python'."
[-] [deleted] | 5 points
[-] master_coyote | 2 points
i would love those too!
[-] [deleted] | 3 points
They are in base 64. Use https://www.base64encode.org/ to decode the links, then replace the xxxx in the link with mega.
[-] CalvinsCuriosity | 1 points
[-] CalvinsCuriosity | 1 points
Thanks so much!
I know this isn't lynda, but can you somehow rip this course and upload it? It is free on the site, but it would be nice to be able to watch it offline. I have ripped some parts myself, but the process is long and tedious and the quality is bad...
The course itself is great, its very detailed and from what I've saw, the teacher is good.
Just this!
Please Rip Dekes Techniques: https://www.lynda.com/Photoshop-tutorials/Dekes-Techniques/76067-2.html?srchtrk=index%3a19%0alinktypeid%3a2%0aq%3aGame+Maker%0apage%3a1%0as%3arelevance%0asa%3atrue%0aproducttypeid%3a2
Id also love 2D Game Design and Development Essential Training: https://www.lynda.com/Unity-tutorials/2D-Game-Design-Development-Essential-Training/513589-2.html?srchtrk=index%3a9%0alinktypeid%3a2%0aq%3aGame+Maker%0apage%3a1%0as%3arelevance%0asa%3atrue%0aproducttypeid%3a2
Learning GameMaker: Studio and GML: https://www.lynda.com/GameMaker-tutorials/Building-Physics-Based-Platformer-GameMaker-Studio-Using-GML/598780-2.html?srchtrk=index%3a3%0alinktypeid%3a2%0aq%3aGame+Maker%0apage%3a1%0as%3arelevance%0asa%3atrue%0aproducttypeid%3a2
AUTODESK MAYA 3D Tutorials: 'Getting Started' or anything else! https://www.lynda.com/Maya-training-tutorials/255-0.html
This one covers the basics and is the latest version:
Thank you for doing this!
PHP: Test-Driven Development with PHPUnit - I know basics of PHP but I'd like learn how to write better software with less bugs. :)
[-] CalvinsCuriosity | 2 points
Someone please torrent this! I would if my pc wasn't in the shop.
[-] master_coyote | 2 points
thanks a lot, OP!
[-] [deleted] | 2 points
[-] pramod_lexmark | 2 points
Painting courses: Digital and manual: 1: https://www.lynda.com/Photoshop-tutorials/Painting/123495/129751-4.html 2: https://www.lynda.com/Art-Illustration-tutorials/Painting-Foundations-Light-Landscape/553022-2.html?srchtrk=index%3a8%0alinktypeid%3a2%0aq%3apainting%0apage%3a1%0as%3arelevance%0asa%3atrue%0aproducttypeid%3a2
[-] ThatBOSSChris | 2 points
Please and thank you!
Any chance of some basic maths stuff? like multiplication to long division and algebra etc
[-] HannibalLectR | 4 points
I think lynda is for more advanced stuff? Not sure though.
But there are a lot of resources on YouTube for this. Try KhanAcademy.
[-] sohamsdays | 2 points
YouTube should actually be sufficient for those topics, Khan academy as the guy mentioned.
https://www.lynda.com/Excel-2010-tutorials/Financial-Functions-in-Depth/83199-2.html https://www.lynda.com/learning-paths/Business/become-an-excel-2013-microsoft-office-specialist
[-] JohnnyQuicksand | 1 points
DaVinci Resolve 12 Essential Training https://www.lynda.com/DaVinci-Resolve-tutorials/DaVinci-Resolve-12-Essential-Training/444948-2.html
anything AWS, in particular:
oh.. I noticed you retired.. well the popularity of this was expected - you could've choose top ten every week, or something like that.. ;) (thanks anyway!)
[-] CalvinsCuriosity | -2 points
Any PHP tutorials?
[-] CogginIsBack | -3 points
Coding. Javascript, HTML, CSS, Java.
[-] ruralcricket | 9 points
The op wants links as there are multiple videos in any subject.
[-] CogginIsBack | -6 points
PHP, if possible.
[-] binaryclash | 101 points | Sep 17 2017 11:59:03
Become an IT Security Specialist
Become an Android Mobile App Developer
[-] ecfreak | 21 points | Sep 17 2017 19:33:13
Become an IT Security Specialist-All 11 courses
Use https://www.base64encode.org/ to decode the link and replace xxxx with mega
It took me some time to get it all done,hope you guys like it
[-] Ryuzaki-L | 5 points | Sep 17 2017 22:14:25
Thanks for this! I had just finished downloading it last night, alas my pc decided to restart during the night, interrupting the upload.
[-] filmort | 3 points | Sep 17 2017 21:50:50
Thanks dude. The videos in each course don't seem to be ordered, would you be able to take a screenshot or something of the correct order to go through the videos?
[-] ecfreak | 3 points | Sep 18 2017 08:12:47
each video file has a number at the end,it may not be continuous but follow it in the ascending order.If it was at the start of file name ,the ordering could have been made easier but i dont know why it came like that when i downloaded ,usually for udemy its at the start
[-] Mattuuh | 2 points | Sep 17 2017 20:20:43
Thank you very much !
[-] Aregin152 | 1 points | Sep 18 2017 02:26:42
Wheres the link?
[-] HA5HBANG | 19 points | Sep 17 2017 13:05:55
+1 IT security
[-] TropicOfCancer_ | 10 points | Sep 17 2017 13:23:00
[-] [deleted] | 0 points | Sep 18 2017 04:04:18
[-] eco_go5 | 3 points | Sep 22 2017 05:27:30
I'll upvote your opinion on upvoting
[-] heatproofmatt | 14 points | Sep 17 2017 16:55:16
The best way to become an IT security specialist is to get a degree in music composition.
[-] TropicOfCancer_ | 3 points | Sep 17 2017 18:38:24
I'll take digital audio workstations for 400, Alex.
[-] Cynicbats | 10 points | Sep 17 2017 13:36:13
Another upvote for IT Security Specialist.
[-] Ryuzaki-L | 6 points | Sep 18 2017 06:54:08
Become an Android Mobile App Developer - aHR0cHM6Ly94eHh4Lm56LyMhSnpRekdBQ0IhcUc1ekdyNDJ3XzJ2cnp1OW1mOUtJQjN2Wl9Md3VmcmlpM2RfdWZodHcwaw==
[-] Lcasito96 | 4 points | Sep 17 2017 21:53:03
+1 Android App Developer
[-] IronEad | 2 points | Sep 17 2017 19:40:37
another upvote for both!