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ecchh | 31 points | Sep 15 2017 14:39:43

[MOVIE] Les Yeux Sans Visage 1960 1080p BluRay x264 10bit FLAC 2.0-FRANKeNCODE w/ English Commentary Track (8.73 GB) | Megalinks MegaDB [MOVIE] Les Yeux Sans Visage 1960 1080p BluRay x264 10bit FLAC 2.0-FRANKeNCODE w/ English Commentary Track (8.73 GB)

More movies suitable for Halloween.

Audio: FR, EN (Commentary)
Subtitles: EN

Media info

MEGA | Zippyshare (.DLC, use JDownloader)

Any pass = the name of this subreddit.

Extract with 7zip/peazip (windows), bandizip (windows/mac), keka (mac), p7zip (linux).

If you're still having trouble extracting, you may have had CRC errors during the download process. Verify that the file integrity is intact by using the .sfv file with the checksum verification tool of your choice.


[-] korainato | 3 points | Sep 15 2017 15:19:58

Damn, that not an easy find! Thanks a lot!


[-] Harouto | 2 points | Sep 15 2017 15:21:54



[-] Bobtbob | 2 points | Sep 17 2017 08:09:26

Thank you!!


[-] joshmaaaaaaans | 1 points | Sep 15 2017 15:32:31

Billy Idol?


[-] ecchh | 1 points | Sep 15 2017 15:35:20

The title of the song is a reference, yes


[-] menage_a_moi | 1 points | Sep 15 2017 18:42:48


Any idea why on these .7z archives it takes JDownloader much longer to extract? Usually around 3 hours for a movie this size. Not really complaining cause I can just let it run int he background, but curious if my settings are off somehow. I tried to download via Mega and got CRC errors, but the DLC w/ Jdownloader always works.


[-] ecchh | 2 points | Sep 15 2017 19:20:49

JDownloader sometimes takes a while to extract things. I've found that it occasionally does the same thing with other archives as well .It's usually faster to just cancel the extraction in downloader and use 7zip to extract instead. It will do it much faster than JDownloader

Also your username is priceless, I have to say.


[-] menage_a_moi | 2 points | Sep 15 2017 19:22:24

Haha, thank you kindly

And yes, I ended up cancelling the extraction and doing it manually, which took all of 15 minutes.

Appreciate all the content!


[-] ecchh | 1 points | Sep 15 2017 19:29:45

No problem! And I'm glad you got everything all sorted!


[-] a986fan | 1 points | Sep 16 2017 23:30:40

I got the bandwidth limit exceeded error but I cannot get the download to continue. I waited over 24 hours. I reset my modem and got a new IP address. I stopped, then restarted the download, but I still get the limit exceeded error. What am I doing wrong?
Using megadownloaderv1.7


[-] ecchh | 1 points | Sep 16 2017 23:42:07

I'm really not sure to be honest, I've never experienced that with megadownloader... The individual parts are small too, so it shouldn't be refusing you based on filesize... The only thing I can suggest is perhaps try downloading the remaining parts from the web client or from zippyshare - they're interchangeable so you should be fine.


[-] a986fan | 1 points | Sep 16 2017 23:46:33

I tried the zippyshare with jdownloader and got a container error, so I'll give the web client a try. Thanks.

Edit: Got it! Thanks. Extracting now.


[-] ecchh | 1 points | Sep 16 2017 23:49:38

Hmm, very strange indeed. I just tested the .DLC container myselfi n JDownloader and I didn't get the same error. I'm sorry you're having so much trouble downloading the files.


[-] a986fan | 1 points | Sep 17 2017 00:27:16

No reason for you to apologize, I'm sure it's something wrong with me, my computer, or my software. Either way, I got it with the web client and extracted it with no problems. Thanks for all your assistance.


[-] ecchh | 1 points | Sep 17 2017 00:31:12

I'm glad you were able to get it in the end! Whatever the problem was, hopefully it was just a fluke!
