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Axelstrife | 126 points | Sep 15 2017 13:02:09

[TV] Lost.S01-S06.Complete.1080p.BluRay.x265.HEVC.6CH-MRN [58.10GB] | Megalinks MegaDB [TV] Lost.S01-S06.Complete.1080p.BluRay.x265.HEVC.6CH-MRN [58.10GB]


Password is the name of this sub reddit.

Media info for first episode



[-] HA5HBANG | 19 points | Sep 15 2017 13:11:05

The title of this show perfectly encapsulates how you'll feel after the series finale, but thank you for the upload Axelstrife!


[-] excalibur_zd | 8 points | Sep 15 2017 13:27:24

Unfortunately, they botched the ending. But I would still argue it's a show that does so many things right: characters, directing, cinematography, editing, etc.


[-] HA5HBANG | 9 points | Sep 15 2017 13:36:29

I agree. The best parts of the show were everything before the finale. It was very well done. It was fun to come up with theories as you watched it with friends, but it left you anticipating a "Big Reveal" that never came. Cliffhanger upon cliffhanger, and then....LOST | Megalinks MegaDB LOST.


[-] Yeezy350824 | 9 points | Sep 15 2017 16:56:17

I gotta say, I loved the ending (and every second of the show leading up to that.) It was a perfect ending, IMO.


[-] ghostgrabber | 8 points | Sep 15 2017 18:06:35

Damn straight..the ending is perfection,and a generous payoff to the journey.


[-] Yeezy350824 | 1 points | Sep 16 2017 18:18:15

See you in r/LOST, brotha


[-] sneakpeekbot | 1 points | Sep 16 2017 18:18:19

Here's a sneak peek of /r/lost using the <a href="https://np.reddit.com/r/lost/top/?sort=top&t=year">top posts</a> of the year! | Megalinks MegaDB Here's a sneak peek of /r/lost using the top posts of the year!

#1: Obama Leaving the White House / The End of LOST | 23 comments
#2: The official portrait of our leader should be the #1 most upvoted post in Reddit's history. | 37 comments
#3: Me explaining Lost to my friends | 24 comments

^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^Contact ^^me ^^| ^^Info ^^| ^^Opt-out


[-] FishOnHead | 2 points | Sep 15 2017 20:29:57

I'm in the middle. I love the finale, but hated basically the entirety of the 6th season.


[-] Axelstrife | 1 points | Sep 15 2017 13:17:51

Ive yet to finish anything more than half the first season theres always something better to watch. lol but it's on my list of things to finish.


[-] playtio | 2 points | Sep 15 2017 17:33:40

Seasons 2 and 3 are my favorites and they totally jumped the shark on S4


[-] doot_doot_doot_doo | -1 points | Sep 15 2017 14:17:08

as someone who suffered through almost all of it ... save yourself the heartache (and time) and don't.

it'll leave you so unfulfilled by the end of it. I remember watching it live and as others have said lots of cliffhangers with no payoffs ever.

then the issue of them introducing the tailies and then slowly just getting rid of them all

yeah too much frustration from me over how the show ended. It was a great ride for a while and had really great elements but it seemed after it caught fire they couldn't keep (or decide) a consistent story path to follow and just went random


[-] Futcharist | 8 points | Sep 15 2017 16:20:22

Writers strike really did damage in season 4. I've always maintained that people who complained about the show and subsequently the ending really didn't understand it, or were used to shows being overly obvious in the way they delivered information to watchers, IE Game of Thrones where they make sure a main character explains literally everything that's just happened, in case you missed the gravity of it. A lot of the questions people purport as unanswered I find actually were answered, but not if you weren't paying attention to how things work within the show. As someone who can't stand when he predicts plot points in shows/movies due to obvious writing, I feel the need to come to Lost's defense on occasion, the writing always left me guessing. It's been my #1 show on TV since 2004 and I've yet to see anything as grand or impactful on TV since.

Since I'm inviting hella downvotes, I might as well also say season 7 of Game of Thrones was pretty sad without source material.


[-] ghostgrabber | 5 points | Sep 15 2017 14:04:14

Best tv series ever made..a must see.


[-] twennybensuns | 4 points | Sep 15 2017 16:34:42

Excellent show. Just remember that watching Lost is about the journey and not the destination...

Many thanks for these.


[-] Kill_Me_Now_World | 3 points | Sep 15 2017 16:38:07

Is this a binge worthy show if I've never seen?


[-] Yeezy350824 | 3 points | Sep 15 2017 16:57:28

If you start, you will literally not be able to stop. When it ends, you'll want to rewatch it. Such it is with the greatest TV show of all time.


[-] ghostgrabber | 1 points | Sep 15 2017 18:09:29

You did catch this right...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kH0P-CA7ntE


[-] Yeezy350824 | 2 points | Sep 16 2017 18:16:48

Yeah, of course.


[-] _youtubot_ | 1 points | Sep 15 2017 18:10:05

Video linked by /u/ghostgrabber:

Title|Channel|Published|Duration|Likes|Total Views :----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------: Lost.The New Man In Charge.avi|mohamed amin|2013-02-15|0:11:57|2,728+ (97%)|497,937

the last Eposide in lost

^Info ^| ^/u/ghostgrabber ^can ^delete ^| ^v2.0.0


[-] ghostgrabber | 3 points | Sep 15 2017 18:02:50

Its in all seriousness Lost has the best characters/best story..it will blow your mind from the pilot.


[-] excalibur_zd | 2 points | Sep 15 2017 13:25:55

Holy...! Thanks!


[-] montr2229 | 2 points | Sep 15 2017 14:25:28



[-] svparty | 2 points | Sep 15 2017 16:47:28

Fucking awesome TV show. It was a little boring at first, but holy shit it will suck you in. There are about 100000 loose ends you will never find the answer to.


[-] moradizox | 2 points | Sep 15 2017 18:47:20

I have a slow bandwidth and not enough storage space right now, can you please OP tell me for how long will this link be up? Thanks


[-] matiasbaldanza | 1 points | Sep 15 2017 21:45:20

Love it! Anybody who downloaded can confirm if it has embedded subs/languages?


[-] abaddon3k | 1 points | Sep 16 2017 20:02:57

Anyone else having issues with constant links not available on this pack?


[-] Axelstrife | 2 points | Sep 17 2017 01:28:29

They took down the old link but not the files so i moved the files to a new folder and replaced the old link here with a new link.

add it again to whatever your using and only download what you haven't yet.


[-] abaddon3k | 1 points | Sep 17 2017 01:38:29

I ended up doing that, I appreciate it!
