DroppingFecalMatter | 88 points
This is base64.
For Quake 1, extract quake.7z and run install.exe.
For Quake 2, unzip Quake2.zip and no further setup will be required.
For Quake 3, extract ioquake3win64.7z and pak0.7z. Put pak0.pk3 into the folder called "baseq3" that came from ioquake3.
My edited solution (I think) for Quake 3: Download this (this is a direct download). unzip it, and copy/cut the two folders inside of it into wherever you unzipped ioquake3win64.7z.
If Quake 3 asks you for a cd key after this, copy a key from this site.
so youre saying i can play quake?
[-] DroppingFecalMatter | 1 points
I'm saying you can play Quake.
I am new here. So, pardon me for asking how you put these links in the url.
[-] _rhyfelwyr | 1 points
More games!!
[-] DroppingFecalMatter | 2 points
Have any requests? I'd prefer to upload older games since they're smaller.
[-] _rhyfelwyr | 1 points
Nothing specific, but my preference would be the good ones. :)
[-] DroppingFecalMatter | 2 points
Then Unreal Tournament it is! I'll upload all of em except for UT3 and the new one (which is free and definitely worth playing!).
[-] Johnny_Zee | 1 points
I put the pak0.pk3 into the baseq3 folder, but upon launching either .exe in the main folder, it gives me a "Point Release files are missing. Please re-install the 1.32 point release. Also check that your ioq3 executable is in the correct place and that every file in the baseq3 directory is present and readable.
[-] MrTattyBojangles | 1 points
Same problem here.
/baseq3/q3config.cfg also does not exist.
Quake 1 & 2 work fine.
[-] DroppingFecalMatter | 1 points
Try this: DQpodHRwczovL21lZ2EubnovIyFZVnRpSEtUTCFPbHlPVFVmWHkwV08zbS1zR25SWEJ6aVJ3V1FxalRzZDFkRldTRm1aLUJJDQo=
It's in base64 again. Just put the q3config.cfg file into baseq3, and do what I said in the other comment to Johnny_Zee.
[-] DroppingFecalMatter | 1 points
Google "quake 3 1.32" without quotes, and click on the first url that is Quake3World. Download "Point Release 1.32," but not the one below it that says c, and run the executable.
I haven't had CPMA work for me, but the links under "Maps" are pretty good as well if you want those, but they're optional.
[-] MrTattyBojangles | 1 points
Still isn't working for me I'm afraid. What order do we do all this in?
I've extracted ioquake3win64.7z and pak0.7z, put pak0.pk3 into ioquake3/baseq3, added seta ui_cdkeychecked "1" to baseq3/q3config.cfg, downloaded and added q3config and placed it in ioquake3/baseq3 and then downloaded and installed Point Release 1.32, but it still says "Point Release files are missing". It says this when opening both .exes in the ioquake3win64 folder and the Quake III Arena .exe that comes with the Point Release 1.32 says "Couldn't load default.cfg".
[-] DroppingFecalMatter | 1 points
Ok, this is working for me:
Unzip ioquake3win64.7z so you have a new folder (not the previous one). Also extract and put pak0 into baseq3. Then, download this (this is a direct download). Unzip this, and it will have files in folders named baseq3 and missionpack. Copy/cut those into the overall folder. It may overwrite things, so say yes if it does. Then, run ioquake3.x86_64.exe. Don't download q3config.cfg, edit q3config, or use the quake 3 1.32 patch.
I did a fresh install doing all of this and it worked, so I hope it'll do the same for you.
[-] MrTattyBojangles | 1 points
Thanks. I did a fresh install and this makes it run, but it asks for a CD key. I went back and added seta ui_cdkeychecked "1" to baseq3/q3config.cfg but it still asks for a CD key (I know you said not to edit it, but I thought it might work).
From ioquake3.org, is it the "Test Builds", "Source" or "Patch Data" that I should download? Test Builds results in the same "Point Release files are missing" message, "Patch Data" asks for a CD key and I'm not sure what to do with "Source".
[-] DroppingFecalMatter | 1 points
Try this site. I entered the last one into my game and it said "this cd key is valid" or something.
[-] DroppingFecalMatter | 1 points
And if that doesn't work... I just read you can make a random cd key with only these letters/numbers: 2, 3, 7, w, r, t, p, a, s, d, g, h, j, l, c, b (in random order)
[-] MrTattyBojangles | 1 points
I copied the bottom key from the link you provided, reinstalled everything, launched the .exe, right-clicked to paste the key and the game suddenly loaded properly. To check that I wasn't going mad, I quit the game, copied some random text, launched the game again, right-clicked in the CD key field and the game loaded properly again. It appears no CD key is actually required.
[-] DroppingFecalMatter | 1 points
Yeah... ID Software's security isn't the greatest.
[-] MrTattyBojangles | 1 points
Haha. Thank you for your help and for the files.
[-] DroppingFecalMatter | 1 points
Np. I'm gonna try to upload some Unreal Tournament games tomorrow, so check those out if you want to!
[-] thesunmustdie | 1 points
It's amazing how they managed to fit these games into such a small amount of memory.
[-] skeletorAOE | 1 points
Could you reupload this? the link seems to be dead
[-] someauthor | 5 points | Sep 12 2017 22:38:00
All the id software being on that shareware cd was the coolest thing ever