chris22558 | 37 points
Key: IVJkMi1LaU5oOFIzTlpRdnZiSzZhX2c=
password for the link is the name of this sub, and use Base64Decode for the password
Originally from Myspleen, this restored version of Mission Hill fixes most of the interlacing issues from the DVD and re-adds the licensed music that was removed (the MS user who uploaded it goes more into detail on it in the document included)
[-] DenverNugs | 2 points
I know I'm late on this one, but thank you so much for this. Now I can finally enjoy this properly. One of the best animated shows ever.
[-] [deleted] | 1 points
[-] chris22558 | 2 points
No problem. I remember hearing something about a torrent of a restored Daria, you could try finding more info about it at r/daria
[-] sneakpeekbot | 1 points
#1: My best friend and I finally fulfilled our long time dream of being Daria and Jane for Halloween. | 5 comments
#2: I miss Daria. | 10 comments
#3: Fresh ink | 6 comments
^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^Contact ^^me ^^| ^^Info ^^| ^^Opt-out
[-] shamen_king | 1 points
Please help, I'm not able to get the key right. I decoded it and am pasting it as a key, but still isn't working. Says the key is wrong.
[-] sinner_vip | 1 points
Great work! Thank you!
[-] nimbusstriker | 1 points
Thank you!
[-] [deleted] | 1 points
Thanks! Replaced the junk I uploaded.
[-] heavyonthebreak | 1 points
My account was recently banned from MySpleen. Not sure why, ive been on there for 10+ years. Every time I go into IRC there is no one in there. Help!
[-] chris22558 | 1 points
I've never been to or used MySpleen before, I just got this from /co/, so I can't really help much. Is there someway that you can contact the site admins or something?
[-] wefllagn_ii5 | 1 points
It won't work for me. What gives?
[-] chris22558 | 1 points
Seems to work fine for me, did you decrypt the password key before pasting it into MEGA?
[-] wefllagn_ii5 | 2 points
Sadly I am dumb and didn't know how these things worked. Thanks!
[-] sosoandless | 1 points
Damn thanks for this. I feel like you deserve a lot more appreciation for this. The Daria Music Restorations Project & The Avatar The Last Airbender HD Remaster, now I'm glad to add this to my collection too.
[-] nameisboxcar | 1 points
This is a truly great show, it's to bad it didn't make it. :[
[-] xxdil111xx | 3 points | Sep 08 2017 11:14:08
Thank you Thank You Thank you for this!