burritolover8 | 71 points
Complete S04 of BoJack Horseman
Link password is the name of this subreddit.
Decode using https://www.base64decode.org/
[-] whiplash_14 | 3 points
Thanks a ton! Been waiting like crazy for this!
[-] a_new_hopia | 2 points
edit: it is not down lol
Its down :(
managed to download 4eps. hopefully someone re ups with x265
What? It's up actually. Maybe you didn't decode the key?
[-] a_new_hopia | 3 points
Do you have 1080p please?
[-] MrTattyBojangles | 2 points
[-] WilliamTellAll | 1 points
why use a decode pw too? seems excessive. can someone explain to me? im sure im just missing something.
[-] nastyagrifon | 1 points
that's a bot protection so they don't snoop the whole subreddit
[-] McGreasyballs | 1 points
Can't figure this out... but just found it on PB so that's ok.
[-] toatint | 3 points | Sep 08 2017 10:10:12
Thank you