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fuckRtrump | 89 points | Aug 27 2017 09:51:10

[BOOK] Stephen King - The Dark Tower (COMPLETE COLLECTION) [EPUB/MOBI] | Megalinks MegaDB [BOOK] Stephen King - The Dark Tower (COMPLETE COLLECTION) [EPUB/MOBI]

Link: http://links.snahp.it/102k1ng

Passw0rd: megalink5 (replace 5 with s) | Megalinks MegaDB (replace 5 with s)

Complete collection of The Dark Tower.

Check out the reading order on [Wikipedia Page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dark_Tower_(series))


The Little Sisters of Eluria has been provided by u/radixradiant


[-] Double_A7 | 2 points | Aug 27 2017 16:23:07

I watched it in cinema, shit movie.


[-] lameusername99 | 4 points | Aug 27 2017 16:48:36

Absolutely agree, the reason for that is they tried to condense all the books into a few hours of film. What could go wrong? Imagine condensing the Harry Potter series or the LOTR series into two hours or so, it would never work. Terrible execution on their part.


[-] breakingbadforlife | 1 points | Aug 27 2017 19:02:31

a follow up series is done i believe


[-] lameusername99 | 1 points | Aug 27 2017 22:15:36

For the Dark Tower?


[-] breakingbadforlife | 1 points | Aug 27 2017 22:23:46



[-] fuckRtrump | 2 points | Aug 27 2017 22:06:38

It was bound to suck...the books are more than 4000 pages for fuck's sake, if you squeeze it into 95 minutes, there is no way for it not to suck... no way.


[-] radixradiant | 2 points | Aug 27 2017 23:13:11

Hey! Many thanks for the upload. Comparing with the list on Wikipedia, seems like the The Little Sisters of Eluria is missing from the upload.


[-] fuckRtrump | 1 points | Aug 27 2017 23:18:36

I don't have it.


[-] radixradiant | 3 points | Aug 27 2017 23:37:15

here you go

key : !W9CmDqisaBxITret5-4wkBEa_7XJBUeRiN38h0t6pcI


[-] fuckRtrump | 2 points | Aug 27 2017 23:40:03

I added it to this folder, thanks.


[-] gaythor | 1 points | Aug 27 2017 13:59:40



[-] fuckRtrump | 1 points | Aug 27 2017 20:24:12

Are there any book series that you'd like me to upload?


[-] bringer1111 | 1 points | Aug 27 2017 20:44:16

could you do the Earthsea series by Ursula K. Le Guin please?


[-] fuckRtrump | 4 points | Aug 27 2017 21:51:26



[-] JoyBoyFTW | 1 points | Aug 27 2017 23:02:37

Can you upload some more of Stephen King's books


[-] fuckRtrump | 2 points | Aug 27 2017 23:34:18



[-] Jmac91 | 1 points | Aug 31 2017 14:24:54

I've been looking for the Millennium trilogy for awhile now :)


[-] PBagel | 1 points | Aug 27 2017 20:53:03

Great, thanks. Your wiki link is broken though, it's missing the closing )


[-] fuckRtrump | 1 points | Aug 27 2017 21:10:05

Yes, I cannot fix it, because the actual wiki link has ) at the end of it, and in order to add a link in reddit, I need to put a ) , so they get mixed up, and the link is broken eventually.


[-] PBagel | 2 points | Aug 30 2017 13:39:20

The last ) must be escaped with a \. Here's how to fix:

Type: [Wikipedia Page](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dark_Tower_(series\))

Will show a link like: [Wikipedia Page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dark_Tower_(series))


[-] WikiTextBot | 0 points | Aug 30 2017 13:39:24

The Dark Tower (series) | Megalinks MegaDB The Dark Tower (series)

The Dark Tower is a series of eight books written by American author Stephen King that incorporates themes from multiple genres, including dark fantasy, science fantasy, horror, and Western. It describes a "gunslinger" and his quest toward a tower, the nature of which is both physical and metaphorical. The series, and its use of the Dark Tower, expands upon Stephen King's multiverse and in doing so, links together many of his other novels. King has described the series as his magnum opus.

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[-] Cliche_Hooligan | 1 points | Jan 28 2018 22:33:38

Dear fuckRtrump, Thank you for your kindness. I am so fucking happy that after few words in the Google search system i managed to found my favorite reddit community and with your post with all books that one famouse youtube blogger recomended read. i am so happy that you made my life a little bit easier. Arigato


[-] patientx | -1 points | Aug 27 2017 22:10:12

This series is ... well my most hated fantasy series out there. The cheap ending really made me angry back in the day.
