tiiiiimmmm | 43 points
Link: Lm56LyNGIU1TZyNTYWx0IUhSQmli
Key: ITZON3FiY1IyT0QjU2FsdCFNaGxNbGgxdkwtdUE=
Decode at https://www.base64decode.org/ and remove word #Salt! (including the pound sign and exclamation point) from both the link and the key. You must type 'mega' before the link after you decode it.
Full series of American Horror Story native x265 Web-dl, numbering is based off of thetvdb.com so it will be picked up by scrapers.
[-] randomfa933 | 1 points
thank you
[-] MrTattyBojangles | 1 points
[-] tiiiiimmmm | 1 points
Mostly UTR encodes, I don't remember where season 6 came from but it's some web-dl from amazon
[-] MrTattyBojangles | 1 points
That's cool, UTR does good work. Do you happen to know who encoded them? Most likely Joy or Qman.
[-] tiiiiimmmm | 2 points
They're labelled ByteShare
[-] MrTattyBojangles | 1 points
Haven't seen much from him lately. He's also good.
[-] AldoMartel | 1 points
I've never use Base64Decode, can you explain me how it works? I'm kinda lost and I really want this! Thanks in advance!
[-] tiiiiimmmm | 2 points
Copy and paste the text into the top box and click decode, only paste the garbled looking text, not the words 'Link:' or 'Key:'. You can decode them separately or together
[-] [deleted] | 1 points
so....is this a good show lol
[-] CidAndroid | -1 points
I'm afraid the key is incorrect
[-] tiiiiimmmm | 1 points
You need to decode the key at base64decode.org and remove #Salt! too.
[-] MrTattyBojangles | 1 points
May I ask, why don't we just post the key as is? Why go through decrypting it?
[-] tiiiiimmmm | 4 points
More steps and steps that are dependent on order help avoid bot detection
[-] MrTattyBojangles | 1 points
[-] matiasbaldanza | 1 points
I believe it is to make things harder for bots deleting links and keys
[-] CidAndroid | 1 points
A gotcha. Thanks!
[-] mattmcmhn | 2 points | Aug 24 2017 21:52:11
This is awesome, thank you! Saves me 70GB replacing the files I have.