Axelstrife | 57 points
Password is the name of this sub reddit.
Media Info for the first episode
[-] IgnoreMyName | 2 points
[-] [deleted] | 2 points
[-] reptarwilleatu | 4 points
my wiiiife
This is great! Unfortunately I don't have a place to put all those gigs rn, hopefully this will stay up for a while
[-] reptarwilleatu | 2 points
transcoding to x265 only would result in banding and pixelation due to bad compression dealing with certain areas of the frames. it's not fully baked yet, but i'm not sure what you mean by "blurry".
and how did you determine 4%?
[-] [deleted] | 1 points
[-] reptarwilleatu | 1 points
yeah, but i'm looking at the details right now and these hevc rips are at 23.976216 fps and 48000 Hz
[-] [deleted] | 1 points
[-] reptarwilleatu | 1 points
yeah i knew that lol
i don't know what that is
[-] TheAmnesiacKid | 2 points
Are you effing kidding me?? I just spent days getting this from elsewhere on the web! Hahaha. Thanks for the post!!
[-] [deleted] | 1 points
[-] reptarwilleatu | 1 points
what're you talking about?
[-] [deleted] | 1 points
[-] reptarwilleatu | 1 points
ah, i wasn't aware of that. the first several seasons seems fine audio-wise so far. psuedo released these so i would assume that they are all fixed, but that's just a wild guess. i have no knowledge until i get to 4+
[-] reptarwilleatu | 1 points
yaaaass. thank you!
it's strange that the title of the episode shows up after all the beginning credits in german. obviously it's not a subtitle track, i wonder if it was german blurays?
[-] [deleted] | 1 points
[-] reptarwilleatu | 1 points
they really haven't treated this show very well in years after airing. the physical releases have been disappointing
[-] [deleted] | 1 points
[-] reptarwilleatu | 1 points
i know. these are especially bad though. i don't understand why the deals have never worked out to make it available digitally or on streaming. other ones from that era are and even other CBS shows like Everybody Loves Raymond
the DVD packaging seems like they put the minimum amount of effort into and these are better, but the blurays in general keep looking more and more like a mess. i did look into Seasons 4+ and all the audio is messed up. not an easy fix either because it looks like there are slight tweaks made so it's not just a drag and drop solution
[-] [deleted] | 1 points
[-] reptarwilleatu | 1 points
yep, that's exactly what i tried to do and looks like a lot of manual work. the only other solution that i can think of that would be mildly easier would be trying to down pitch each episode to try and correct it
is there any easy way to determine how much higher the pitch is exactly?
[-] [deleted] | 1 points
[-] Axelstrife | 1 points
Is there a mega link or non dead torrent for the x264 version you mentioned? this is all i could find that wasn't a dead torrent when i searched.
[-] randomfa933 | 4 points | Aug 19 2017 06:30:08
thank you.