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Jake548675 | 15 points | Aug 17 2017 22:04:06

[Meta] Is there a way to get a Mega link from an image without using Megadownloader? | Megalinks MegaDB [Meta] Is there a way to get a Mega link from an image without using Megadownloader?

I would like to get these links, but I can't use Megadownloader: https://www.reddit.com/r/megalinks/comments/67w6fb/bates_motel_s05_1080p_amzn_x264_2356gb/ Is there another tool (or way) to decrypt them so I can import them?


[-] thatloserhacker | 5 points | Aug 18 2017 00:28:48

They use the F5 algorithm: https://github.com/desudesutalk/f5stegojs

They also encrypt the link using 256-bit AES, which is pretty secure: https://www.reddit.com/r/theydidthemath/comments/1x50xl/time_and_energy_required_to_bruteforce_a_aes256/

Here's the blog post about it: http://megadownloaderapp.blogspot.com/2015/11/megadownloader-and-steganography.html
TL;DR: You can't.


[-] megaccount | 2 points | Aug 18 2017 01:03:22

Of course can! Simply need to decompile megadownloader. If can be happen on computer from one program, can be happen from another source. Because no drm exist but not be broken.


[-] thatloserhacker | 3 points | Aug 18 2017 05:47:38

you could do that, but what's the use? I mean, you could just run the damn thing, right?


[-] megaccount | 1 points | Aug 30 2017 01:52:37

another solution can be opensource. Which means guarantee of not secret spyware, btc miner, etc. Can run on linux without wine. Can be much simpler. Last I try to look at encrypted link in megadownloader, I have many menu to go through and click with mouse. Very hard when having many link (ex 1/episode in season of tv show). Whereas with simple own tool, can just paste paste paste get back link link link quick quick quick.


[-] thatloserhacker | 1 points | Aug 30 2017 14:31:42

MEGA isn't popular enough in Linux for that to happen imo


[-] megaccount | 1 points | Aug 30 2017 15:10:12

Tool can still work on windows. Can even be browser tool!


[-] thatloserhacker | 1 points | Aug 31 2017 00:48:00

What are you talking about


[-] megaccount | 1 points | Sep 07 2017 03:05:50

If find out stenography algorithm use by megadownloader, then algorithm itself can be in javascript. Then be browser tool.


[-] thatloserhacker | 1 points | Sep 09 2017 00:27:38

Check my main comment. It has the algorithm.


[-] megaccount | 1 points | Sep 11 2017 04:36:48

Yes so...still need to extract password for decrypt aes key, no?


[-] thatloserhacker | 1 points | Sep 11 2017 10:01:03



[-] HoneyFoxxx | 1 points | Aug 17 2017 23:17:58

I'm on Linux and it worked with wine, so you cab try that if os is your problem


[-] Uy9KC7OP2R2yn6TZVSMP | 1 points | Aug 17 2017 23:27:33

Just google steganographic decoder online
